The Curse Of The Cross-Eyed Moose

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"Ready? This time for the record! One...two....."

You took a deep breath in and puffed your cheeks out, trying your hardest not to exhale. You were currently at Amy's place with Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Sticks was off doing her own little thing.

You all shared a couple of glances, your cheeks puffed out like chipmunks.

After sharing a glance with Tails and Knuckles; who were seated on each side of you on Amy's couch, the door burst open scaring you and making you open your mouth, along with Tails and Knuckles. 

Amy and Sonic still had their breaths held somehow.

"MOOOOOOSSSSEEEE!" She screamed as she ran in.

"Ugh- Stiicks!" Knuckles whined. "I was this close to winning a pointless game that has absolutely no signifacance! Thanks for nothing!"

"I saw- A MOOSE!"


"A CROSS-EYED MOOSE!" She screamed once more.

"So?" Tails asked, wanting her to get to the point. Sticks growled and explained. "Crossing paths with a cross-eyed moose brings a curse upon the moose-crosser and her non-moose cross friends! Don't you people know anything about science!"

"Uhm...Sticks....." You began, sliding past Knuckles on the couch by kicking your legs in the air as you twirled behind him and landed beside him. 

"Curses aren't real?" You said, actually, it came out more like a question.

"Then how come you just lost the breath-holding contest?"

"Because you ran in--"

Knuckles cuts you off by gasping. "The curse! It all makes sense now!"

You facepalm.

"You can doubt me, but I'll protect you anyway. Because I'm a good friend. And because it distracts me from the government agents who've been replacing my house plants with violins.."

Sticks looks side to side.

"That's right! I'm onto you buddy!"

She soon walked out, shutting the door making Amy's vase fall from the shelf as she accidentally bump into it.

"My vase!" Amy gasped, losing her breath.

Sonic soon exhales, cheering. "Ha! I win!"

Knuckles soon scratched his chin. "Hmm, maybe the curse broke the vase, huh?"

"Yeah, the curse of the lunatic badger.." Sonic joked.

"Uh-oh...there are TWO curses now?"

"I'm heading home!" You sighed, took your sweater from the seat, and walked out.


You took an inhale, then an exhale as you walked through the forest back to Sonic's shack where he said he'd meet you to go hiking. On the walk, you looked around to see trees move ever so slightly. The leaves on the trees look like something triggered them to move- almost like a-

When you took one last step, you felt your ankle get caught around some rope.

"The fu-"

You let out a yelp as you felt your body flip upside down and your foot caught in a rope trap. You were hanging from a tree branch. Your sweater falls to the ground.

You blew some quills/fur away from your face as you sighed aloud.

"Y/N, how's it with you?"

You held the communicator on your wrist close to your mouth as you spoke.

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now