Unlucky Knuckles

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You watched from your sunchair Knuckles place down a golf ball on a tee. "Who's gonna bring it downtown? Knuckles that's who!" He answered his own question. Both Sonic and he were playing a friendly game of golf. You come along because why not? It was a sunny day and you needed to get out, that was the reason you came to this island in the first place, to have some time to yourself and enjoy the weather of the island. 

"Gonna pour Sonic a hurt-tonic! And the pain is gonna be chronic!"

"Okay, we get it!" Sonic snapped, as he got ready to flip the coin.

"Tail's!" Knuckles yelled, you watching him turn to the fox. "Tail's you flip it, I don' trust this guy.."

Sonic growled, watching Tail's flip the coin in the air and you heard Knuckles shout 'heads!' and a few moments later, you chuckled to yourself when you heard Knuckles mumble. "Lucky.."

With a small smirk on his face, Sonic threw the ball in the air and used his club to hit the gopher ball. It flew right into the hold that was located at the top of the mountain far away and it rolled down the underground tunnel, popping out of a hole right near Sonic.

"Don't look at me like that!" Knuckles snarled, seeing Sonic make a cocky smirk at him. He took the ball from Sonic and swung it, watching as it made its way in the air, and landed by the hole, slowly rolling to the hole.....only to disappoint all by it getting pushed back by....a leaf?

"One nothing, Sonic!" Tail's cheered. 

Even you were confused about how that was possible.

"Oh come on! You saw the wind blew that, right?!" Knuckles roared, hitting the ball again, only for the ball to hit now a flock of birds.  "What!" He whined.

You jumped when you saw Sonic sit beside you with his own sunchair, he even had a drink. "Hey! I want a drink!" You whined, still confused on how he even got it in the first place. Sonic rolled his eyes with a chuckle and handed you the smoothie. 

"You gotta factor bird migration. That's Gopherball 101." Sonic said, waving his index finger teasingly.

Knuckles growled and began to hit the ball once more, each time he hit the ball he missed all of them. He growled. "That's so unfair!" He whined.

"Maybe you need to work on your swing?" Tail's suggested.

"Are you kidding me? This has nothing to do with my swing! It has everything to do with luck!" Knuckles shouted, dumbfounded. With one last swing, and in utter confusion, the ball stopped in midair and fell to the ground, just in front of the hole. Knuckles, in a fit of rage, threw his club to the hole, to have it land in the hole. Knuckles eye twitched and you covered your ears when he let out a loud scream. 


The day went by with Knuckles thinking that there was a shift in the luck universe or something, you honestly didn't care, but you were worried for Knuckles. He was hurting himself, so he could get the luck back to his side. You went for a walk to clear your mind until you heard the sound of a canon being fired. Looking up you could see Knuckles fly through the sky, screaming. 

"Oh come on-" You sighed. He hit a tree a few feet by you and fell hard on the ground. You watched a beehive fall onto his head with the bees surrounding him as they stung him. "AH! I CAN ALMOST FEEL MY LUCK CHANGING ALREADY!" He screamed. 

Soon enough, you helped Knuckles with his bee problem and quickly took off your bag and placed it beside you. Knuckles sat on the rock in front of you, pouting as he looked away when you placed the bandaids on his body. 

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now