Fortress Of Squalitude

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You walked out of Sonic'sshack with a bo full of food that Amy told you to buy at the local market just a town over. You placed the box down by the moat that Sticks dug up and filled it with a bunch of broken glass. 

Amy was by the made table with pink cloths and decorations and she checked off multiple items as she spoke to herself.

"I might have used rose petals...but we'll go with it! Sonic, how you doing with those fruit drinks?"

Amy yelled over to Sonic, and your head turned to where he...slept? Sonic was seen sleeping on his sunchair with the fruit almost rotting beside him as flies flew around them.

"Why am I not surprised? Tails! Where's the soothing music?"

"Right here! But I thought it would be better if I gave it a little boost!" Tails smiled as he pushed a button on the DJ table he made, and the speakers on the poles above him started to burst out some sort of rock music.

You covered your ears because it was so loud.

Tails soon stop the music after seeing that some leaves from the trees began to fall. falling onto you and Amy. While you just laughed, pulling the leaf off your face, Amy huffed and threw the leaf to the ground.

"Knuckles, are my grilled pheasants ready?" 

"Not now Amy, I'm busy!" 

You facepalmed when you saw Knuckles stuff the bottom of what looked like to be a large undercooked chicken and made them talk.

"Oh! Please don't eat me, Knuckles!"

"Today turned out a lot different than I expected.."

Amy sighed, looking over to you. 

"Y/N, how are you doing with the snacks?"

You grinned and took the box from beside you and placed it on the bench seat. 

"Right here-"

As you opened them, you quickly closed the box. 


"Y/N? What is in that box?"

"What box?"

"The one in your hand.." Sticks said, looking at you unamused.

You chuckled nervously. "OOH! THIS BOX-! oh- uh, ahem. Just uh- ya-ya know..normal boxy things....."

Sticks and Amy cocked an eyebrow up. 

"I've been talking for too long. Gotta go, BRB!"

When you ran back into the shack, Amy sighed in despair.

"Sticks, sometimes I don't know why I go out of my way to make things nice for these guys.." 

"You deserve better!"

Amy and Sticks looked behind, looking back to Sonic's shack to where they heard the voice that belonged to none other than Dr. Eggman. "I mean this table!" He began, "It should be hanging in a museum!"

As you walked out of the shack, you let out a yelp as you were startled to see Eggman standing above you. 

"Eggman? What are you doing here?' You yelled at him. You felt Sonic's gloved hand grasp around your arm as he pulled you back to join the group. 

Sticks let out a battle cry as she jumped over the table and took a glass clam from the table, smashing it and taking the pieces as weapons. 

"Back, villain! Just give me the signal, and I'll clam him!"

You took out your weapon of choice and aimed it toward the man in front of you, ready to fight him, but you were surprised when he spoke. 

"Don't let that fact that I constantly try to destroy you lead you to believe that I'm here to destroy you. I just want to hire Amy to redo my lair."

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now