The Curse of The Buddy Buddy Temple

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You jumped from tree to tree, dodging lasers from Eggman's robots constantly. With your weapon in hand, you used it to smash most of the bots, but they all kept following. Sonic was running from and after Eggman, while the others chased Orbot and Cubot, along with other bots on the ground.

"There pecking my eyes!" You overheard Eggman cry, "Why would I ever smile at this!" You chuckle, knowing what just happened. 

You landed on one last branch until you felt your foot slip, and you collided with some bushes. Eggman on the other hand, saw you fall from the tree, and when you did, he saw from the mountain, a part of it opened up. He flew into it and without thinking Sonic ran in after him, having the door shut close when Knuckles tried to run inside.

He punched the door and growled when he saw a picture of two beavers smiling at each other, shaking hands.

 "Stop smiling!" He yelled in agony

The others along with you came from behind the echidna and examed the door.

"There's no other way in!" Tail's said. "Sonic's trapped!" 

"That means Dr. Eggman 's trapped too.." Orbot said in worry before both let out cheers of joy. "Were free! Free, I tells ya!" Cubot cried as both he and Orbot hugged. 

"I can buy a houseboat. And live on it, even though it's a boat!" 

"And I can finally finish my memoirs..I've been told I'm a natural raconteur."

"And I've been told I'm a neutral raccoon!" 

The two soon floated away leaving the gang. 

You turned back to the large door examing it before hearing Amy say. "Well, we're sticking around to free Sonic. But until then, one of us needs to be in charge." 

"Since when was Sonic the leader-?" You were cut off by Amy hushing you. "Good thinking Amy. I'll be in charge!" Knuckles smiled and Amy scoffed. "You? I'm in charge!" 

"I don't trust anyone in charge!" Stick's snarled, "No one was ever in charge!" You said. "I know! Why don't we all be in charge? Tail's suggested. 

"No!" You all yelled to the young fox, making his ears and tails droop. 


Stick's sat by some rocks, while Tails was stuck between Amy and Knuckles, along with you. "Fine. If we can't decide who's in charge, we'll split up. Who wants to be on Team Amy?" Amy asked, and Tail's thought for a moment, before raising his hand with a smile.

"Great! And who wants Knuckles to lead Team Amy?" Knuckles asked, making Amy groan. "Amy leads Team Amy, Knuckles leads Team Knuckles!" Amy said, and Knuckles rubbed the head in confusion as he spoke. "Wait, there's a Team Knuckles now?"

"Why are we arguing about who should be leaders? THERE WAS NEVER A LEADER TO BEGIN WITH!" You yelled and pouts when Amy told you to hush once more. "Can I be on both teams?"

"No!" Amy and Knuckles shout in unison. "We all have to pick sides, Tails. Now, who's it gonna be? Amy...."

"Or Amy! I still don't get how this works..." Knuckles frowned. 

"Help! We can't be on our own!" Both Cubot and Orbot could be seen running back to the gang. "All that freedom! Too many choices.." Orbot cried, and you shook your head. "You both are just sad.."


Now the gang, along with Orbot and Cubot, sat in a circle in front of the door. "Let's go over this one more time. Who's leading us right now?" Orbot asked, and you yelled. "No one's-!" Amy covered your mouth with her gloved hand as both her and Knuckles said in sync again.


"Were not getting anywhere like this. Maybe I should lead!" Tails smiled.

"No!" You all, even Orbot and Cubot, said in unison, but your's came out muffled with Amy's hand still over your mouth. 

Amy stood up from the circle after you licked her hand to make her move it from your face and groaned. 

"If I was in charge, we'd be in the temple already!" She said as she wiped her hand on her dress skirt and Knuckles stood up. 

"And if you were in charge I'd be in the temple already!"

Soon, Orbot and Cubot noticed small cracks form on the ground, and Cubot spoke up. "Hello? Uh, fellas?" 

"Your so incompetent you don't even know how to argue!" Amy snarled while you and Stick's sat on a rock, who has given up on this. 

"You're right! Most of the time I'm confused and just yell back things!" Knuckles yelled at Amy's comment. Stick's stood up from the rock, and spoke up. "It doesn't matter who's leading us! We're never getting into the temple!"

"There was never anyone leading, to begin with, we were just a group of friends who fight robots. Can't that be enough-"

You were cut off by a large hole consuming all of you and you held onto Tail's as you all let out a scream of terror.

What the hell just happened!?

As you all screamed, you could see a wall come to view. You all soon came flying through the wall and were dog-piled on top of each other.

Amy coughed and cleared her vision, before turning her head to see Sonic hold up Eggman from behind as he was currently pushing him through a cracked wall. 

"Sonic, are you...helping Eggman?" Amy asked. 

"What?!" Sonic asked as he pushed Eggman through the wall, before hearing a groan and a thud when he landed on the hard ground.

"No.." He answered, wiping his hands together.

Soon the wall gave out and broke, the dust blurred your vision, but looking through the wall, you saw a mine cart. "There's our way out!" Sonic smiled.

"An old mine cart? We don't even know where it goes.." Orbot asked with worry. "Who in all Mobius cares!" You laugh, jumping on the cart.

"Well, you wanna stay here?" Sonic asked as a rock hit Orbot on the head, seeing the cave was about to cave in. 

All jumped after you on the cart, and it was crowded, but it did do.

"Ok, Ready?" Sonic asked as both he and Eggman held onto a lever to move the cart.

One by the one the thing began to move down the track as the rocks soon began to fall. 

As fast as they could lift and pump, a light could soon be seen. It was an exit leading outside, but once they got to it, the cart flew from a large height. They all held on to each other or the cart, while you had your knees to your chest as you're toes were wrapped around the bar of the cart, as you fell. 

The cart soon crashed, but you all were ok. The cart was a goner though. "We're so happy your back, boss!" Cubot cheered as both he and Orbot hugged Eggman's leg. "We'll never desert you again.

 "You'll never what?"

"I mean...would you mind reading a draft of my memoirs?" Orbot asked nervously. 

"Thank goodness we've got Sonic back again!" Amy smiled. "Knuckles, I can't believe we squabbled like that," Amy said. "Yeah, you were out of control." Knuckles added."I was being out of control? You were being totally obstinate!" 

"I don't know what obstinate means, but I refuse to learn." Knuckles crossed his arms. Sonic looked over at you. "Don't look at me, whatever I say, I'll just hushed-" You were cut off by Amy saying hush once more. 


"You know, we actually made a pretty good team.." Eggman spoke, making Sonic look up at him. "It was almost like- we were friends or something." Sonic laughed. "Yeah, like that would ever happen.

"Catch ya later, Eggface!"

"Not if I destroy you first!"

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now