My Fair Sticksy

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Out of all the things that could happen to this island. Meteors are the one thing that comes first for an attack for it has just been hit by a meteor shower. Everyone was scrambling in a panic, screaming and crying. It was chaotic in the village. You, along with the gang, watched from a case of stairs, both the meteors and the panic of the people.

"Meteors are shooting stars! We shouldn't be running, we should be making wishes!" Amy gasped when she spoke. "I wish for a pony!"

"And I wish you take cover," Sonic spoke hastily, grabbing the girl's wrist as you all ran for cover underneath a building, Amy whined soon after when Sonic released her wrist. "How come your wish came true?" Sonic just smirked.

"And to think I wanted to go on a walk today.." You sigh, folding your arms at the back of your head, and shrugged. 

"Should  activate my meteor defense system?" Asked Stick's who cowered under the building watching the shower. "You have a meteor defense system?" Tails asked, just dumbfounded as you were. 

"I have a defense for all sorts of junk. Wildfires, Floods, People trying to read my thoughts-"

"Yeah, just start with the meteor one," Sonic said, cutting off Stick's as she was about to go on and on with her list. 

She climbed onto her machine and took the first aim, pulling down a lever to activate it. Wooden paddles popped up all around the village. Each one swatting away incoming meteors until there was non left to stop.

"Even her wish came true!" Amy cried in agony, making you smile.

"The 'people trying to read my minds' is exactly the same but with tinfoil trim." Stick's spoke, grinning.

"Nice job Stick's!" You smiled, and that's when you all began to walk from the village.


All but Stick's were hanging out at Tail's place. Tails were relaxing on the couch along with Knuckles, and Amy was on the opposite couch reading a magazine. Sonic was drinking some orange juice from the countertop, and you were sitting down beside him, your head laying on the side of the countertop, dazing out into space as you watched the wind blow around a couple of leaves. 

You were that bored, you found this entertaining.

Sonic noticed your gaze and shook your arm. 

You didn't move.

He did it again, and again, and again, before a sudden door bursting open knocked you out of your daze, falling down from your seat and as you could regain what just happened. Sonic burst out into laughter, making you huff and grab his arm to help yourself up, glaring at him, until looking up to see Stick's was the one to walk inside. 

"Someone left this at my house." She held up a letter.

"Yeah....the mailman," Sonic said dryly. "It's a letter."

Stick's sniffed id in a suspicious manner. "A letter, huh? I don't know. Paper fold over itself? What's it hiding? What's it hiding?!" 

Amy soon snatched the letter out of her hand, opened it out to take another piece of white paper out, and unfolded it to read what was said on the inside. Reading to herself a little bit, she gasped and smiled. "Oh my gosh! Stick's! You've been nominated for an Awardy Award!" 

"They really need a better name for that thing." Tails rolled his eyes.

"Ya think?" You laugh. "They must be so proud of that name!" You joke, making Tails giggle.

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now