Sleeping Gaint

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You, Amy, and Sticks were walking through the village just wanting to head to Meh Burger while the three boys went to the canyons to do...whatever the heck they were wanting to do together. Which was probably something Amy would scold them for later.

As they walked, they heard a large boom, and Sonic and Knuckles were standing by a crate of lemons that were all over the ground. 

They quickly ran towards him.

"Sonic, Knuckles! What's going on?" Sticks asked.

"A giant rock monster is laying waste to the countryside," Sonic responded. "You mean a Granophyre Giganticous is laying water to the countryside." Amy rephrased. 

"Yeah, thanks for clearing that up."

A little after, you could see Tails planes lose control in the air, leaving a large pitch-black trail of smoke behind it. 

He crashed and you ran over to where he crashed. He was ok when you saw his small yellow head pop out from the plane. 

"Don't worry, it's still covered by the manufacturer's warranty."

"But, you're the manufacturer." You spoke up.

"I knew I shouldn't have given myself a receipt!"

"Guys!" Amy spoke up, getting back your attention of you and Tails. "Rock monster?" She points over to a large rock-colored monster with a bunch of purple and blue glow cracks on it. 

He's seen just walking along the village, slumping.

"All right. Amy, what do you know about that thing?" Sonic asked.

"Granphyre Giganticous is a proud race of mountain dwellers from the time of the ancients. No one has seen one in hundreds of years." Amy explained.

"That's not true; I just saw one!" Knuckles said bluntly. 

You all watched as the rock monster sat at the top of a building, crushing it almost instantly. Tails gasped at this sight.

"He's ignoring that 'you break it; you bought it' sign! He really is a monster!"


"So, so horrible.." Amy began, watching the large beast. "They were supposed to re-upholster my loveseat." 

"Hey, he's doing what my neighbor's Uncle Tonoose does!" Tails pointed out, you cocked an eyebrow. "He destroys homes and shops of the people?" You asked. 

"No! When he has insomnia, he can never get comfortable. So he's always fluffing his pillow."

You watched as the rock monster cried in agony after Tail's explanation.

"Like that! my neighbor's Uncle Tonoose's next move would be to get up and get a drink of water."

You now watch the monster stand up, stomping over to the town's well, ripping it from the ground and allowing the water to spray all over him, mostly his face. 

"Like that!"

"You sure this isn't just 'Uncle Tonoose' himself?" You asked, soon cocking an eyebrow up when yous saw the monster yawn ducks?

"No, because my neighbor's Uncle Tonoose doesn't yawn ducks." Tails answered, placing his hands on his hips and looking up to you.

The rock monster was soon seen walking away from town and towards the canyons but stopped to yawn once more.

"Hey, he isn't rampaging! You know what he's doing?" Sonic asked.

"Ravaging? Devastating? Marauding? Obliterating? Flinging or scattering to the winds?" Sticks began to spit out random answers that mean the same thing, and she soon took out a book.

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now