Chapter 24: Meeting the parents

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"Brad? Why have we never met this girlfriend of yours?" Brad's dad asked, as he shoved his Sunday roast into his mouth.

Brad looked up from his empty dinner plate. "She's busy."

"I thought you said she left university?" He asked, as he began to shove more food into his mouth.

"She did." Brad replied, running his hand awkwardly through his hair.

Brads mum sighed. "Rough patch?"

Brad nodded, and stabbed the serving fork he had picked up into the roast, and put the piece onto his plate.

"It's alright Bradley, these things happen." His mum reassured him. Not really knowing what else to say.

Bradley chewed, then swallowed his food. "You'll meet her soon, she's just busy with her personal life. Alright?"

It was partly true what he said. But Charlie was struggling to deal with the drug recovery. She began running every day, to keep it off her mind. She went to therapy classes, she spent nearly everyday with Brad, as these were all 'great ways to recover'.

To break the awkward silence, Brads phone began to buzz in his pocket. He muttered something to his family, and excused himself from the table. As soon as he was out of the room, he got out his phone and unlocked it.

'You don't mind If I stay for awhile?' The message read.

It was Charlie, like most of his texts these days. Brad sighed, and started to text back.

'Of course, what happened to the place your at now?' He texted back.

'I'm couch surfing, I'm basically homeless. I can't stay here any longer, the kids think I'm there Aunt or something. I hate kids.' Charlie replied back, seconds later.

'I'll pick you up tomorrow noon x' Brad quickly replied, turning off his phone and heading back into the dining room.

There was no point questioning it. It had been 2 months since he'd been back from tour, and Charlie had been from house-to house every week, till she eventually ran out of friends. He'd offered from Charlie to stay at his house, but she always refused, and went somewhere else.

Brad put his key into the door and turned it. Before he pushed it open he turned to Charlie, and smiled. He had dripping wet hair from the rain and a cheeky thumbs up. "You'll be fine. My parents are pretty cool." (see cute gif)

Charlie gulped. Usually, she wouldn't be this nervous, but without the drugs to keep her cool, she was riding a very high swing of emotions.

Brad pushed the door open, and lead Charlie inside into the dining room. His parents were both at the table drinking tea, when they walked in.

"Mum, Dad, this is Charlie. Charlie, meet my parents." He introduced.

Charlie smiled, and went over to shake Brads dad hand.

Brads dad grinned as he shook her hand and introduced himself.

Then Charlie shook Brads mums hand over the table. She hoped they couldn't feel her shaking.

"Nice to finally meet you." Brads mum acknowledged, as Brad took out a chair for Charlie to sit in.

"Nice to finally meet you too." Charlie smiled back as she sat down.

"Bradley talks a lot about you. I heard you're into singing aswell... Will we be seeing you sing soon?" Brads dad asks, starting the conversation.

Charlie laughs, not knowing what else to do. "I suppose."

Brad finally takes a seat next to Charlie, and passes her a cup. "Do you want some?"

Charlie shakes her head. "No, I'm fine."

Brads parents smile at her as she looks up at them. She hoped Brad hadn't told them about her history. Either way, Charlie could already tell how awkward the night was going to be and the days that would proceed.

"So, Charlie, how did you get into singing?" Brads dad asked, as he placed his tea down on the coaster.

"My brother had a school project, and he decided to make a band and they needed a bassist. So we bought this really old one from the op shop, and learnt from a book. Then, he got me singing back-up."

Brad interrupts. "You guys have been a band since high school?"

"Kind of. Buns and my brother first started the band when we were 13, then when we were 16, Shania joined us."

Brad nods his head. "How'd you find her?"

"She moved to my school, and I became friends with her. Found out she played guitar and could sing, and told my brother."

"I always thought school bands never worked." Brads dad shrugged.

Charlie laughed slightly, he was right in a way.

"So what are you planning to do tonight? Brads mum asked, changing topic.

Charlie's mind adverted to the memories of the first time she was here with Brad, she'd love to repeat that and go a little further...

Suddenly Brad perked up and looked Charlie in eye. "I think we'll just go to bed early, long day tomorrow."

Charlie smirked back, she knew that look on any guy, even if Brad had never given it to her.

"Long day?" Brads mum questioned.

Brad nodded. "We're going to the studio, and having a little meeting."

"We are?" Charlie questioned, furrowing her eyebrows, she thought she'd have a sleep in day and avoid life in general.

"Yeah, Joe wants to talk about signing you to our new record label, as well as meeting a new band we signed called The Tide."

"What?" Charlie exclaimed.

"Unless you don't want too... It was supposed to be a surprise." Brad finished off. He completely ruined the surprise, by opening his big mouth, once again.


sorry for not posting, I've been studying for exams x

also not going to psot unless i atleast get a comment :(

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