Chapter 3: Bradley Simpson

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It was already 3 hours into the flight, Charlie had eaten her meal and now sat silently reading through a book on the anatomy of female dog. 

Throughout the first hour of the flight, people came up into first class for photos with The Vamps, Charlie just sat there watching. Seeing these young girl's face light up with joy as these memories were captured. Even the old flight attendant came for a photo.  

Charlie had to admit, seeing these people's life fill with joy for simply hugging someone, made Charlie feel sad. She wished she could be so in love with someone, that simple hug would make her happy for the rest of the year. She always wished she could meet her favourite band, or athlete, like her friends did. The closet she got to her heroes was when Simple Plan came to Melbourne, where her friend bought her a ticket and they snuck out and went to the concert. She was nearly at the front row after a 6 hour wait out front, and fainted before the band even came on. She had to sit in first aid for the rest of the concert, so she hardly saw them. Until the end when they walked off the stage.

While Charlie scanned through her book, writing down notes as she went, she listened to the sound of Tristan Evans snoring, even though she had sound-blocking headphones on. She began to tap her pen to the beat of Tristan's snoring out of boredom. 

Charlie wrote down in her journal about how the first class, on a plane was set out. She always wanted to sit in first class, and she didn't expect to be this shit. Firstly, she wasn't going to get any sleep no matter how comfy the seat/bed was. Secondly, there was no door so she couldn't block the view of Bradley Simpson. Thirdly, it would probably be just as awkward as being squashed next to someone who takes up 2 seats on a 7 hour flight.

"What are you writing?" A voice asked.

Charlie turned her attention towards the voice. It was that Bradley Simpson, looking right at her. Charlie just looked back, not knowing if he was talking to her.

He smiled and said again. "What are you writing?"

"Your talking to me right?" Charlie stuttered. Even though she knew he was talking to her, she just had to make sure. 

Bradley chuckled and replied. "Of course, there's no else to talk to, they're all asleep."

"Then maybe you should be quiet." Charlie whispered sarcastically. Forgetting she wasn't talking to her friend. Then Charlie realised, and covered her mouth and turned around.

'I fucked up again.' She thought.

Bradley laughed louder this time. "That was a bit rude."

"すみません (sumimasen)" She apologized in Japanese by accident. "I'm sorry" She translated awkwardly.

'Why do I keep fucking up!' She yelled at herself inside her head,

Bradley found it quite funny that Charlie kept fucking up. "Don't worry, and what language was that?"

"Uhhh, Japanese." She replied.

"So you speak Japanese? That's pretty cool! I'm going to Japan in a week. Maybe you could teach me some?" Brad asked quite happily.

Charlie was star-struck, literally. But also shocked. She was wondering why he even was talking to her.

"Why? Not to be rude, but why are you talking, like, me?" Charlie asked awkwardly.

"Well, I saw you looking very pretty over there, and thought maybe you'd be interested in talking to me." Bradley confessed, grinning after.

Charlie didn't know what to say and let out a little laugh. "Ok." She replied simply.

He was very confident, she thought to herself.

"Well what you writing then?" He asked again.

Charlie looked down at her notebook, scanning through what she wrote. "It's just notes." She replied and shrugged.

"Why would you be studying!" He laughed. "You're going on a holiday!"

"I need to work hard to pass my course, get a job, you know earn money... You already have alot of that." Charlie blurted. Her negative side was coming out again. She was always known for being negative, and she tried to help that but it was just too hard. After all, she had always been that way.

Bradley wasn't even taken back by the comment, he was still smiling. "I don't have that much money, anyway if you're in first class you gotta have money too."

"Brad, shut up. Sleep." Moaned one of the band members from behind him. Bradley looked back and elbowed him and turned back to Charlie.

"I got moved up to this seat... Much to my dismay." Charlie replied.

"Dismay? Why's that? You get to talk to me!" Bradley giggled.

They continued to talk for about half an hour, quite against Charlie's will, but Bradley just kept talking to her, and Charlie who was just as much of a chatterbox, talked back.

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