Chapter 15: The emotional car trip

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'Would you like to go out on another date with me?' Bradley wrote into his phone. He wasn't sure if he should send it, but he did anyway.

As usual, Charlie texted back within seconds.

'As long as it isn't as romantic as the other.' It read.

Bradley grinned at his phone. He was glad that she actually said yes. 

'I'll be at your tonight at 6, we can walk the dog at the park, and then get some nandos after.' Brad texted back. He knew it was a good idea to take it slow with her. A walk in the park would be a great chance to just have another one on one talk with her. Then nandos after because he loved it and he was in the mood for it.

The day passed very quickly, soon enough it was time for Bradley to get Charlie. He shoved Jesse into the back seat of his car and drove to Charlies dorms. They weren't too far from where he lived so he arrvied a bit early.

'I'm outisde.' He tested, as he got out of his car. He knew he couldn't go in, as it was University property, or whatever. But he didn't know her dorm room number, or anything like that.

"Bradley." Came a voice from behind him. He quickly turned around to see Charlie standing there with her arms crossed.

He laughed. "You scared me!" 

She lifted her shoulders like she didn't care, and waved into the window of his car. "Hey Jesse!" She chimed. 

The dog wagged her tail back at Charlie, and tried to lick the window of the car.

Bradley laughed and walked around to the other side of the car and opened the door. "Why don't we go then?"

Charlie came around and got inside the car, Bradley shut the door behindher and went and sat in the drivers seat.

"It's not too far from here." He smiled at her. But she didn't smile back, she just looked out the window. Brad wished that she would smile for him. He'd seen her smile, but never to him. He would treasure her smile forever if she did. "Why are you always so sad?" 

"I'm not sad." Charlie replied, still looking out the window,

"You know, Shania told me that you had a bit of rough childhood. Is that why your sad?" Bradley remembered. Shania had told him many things, but not enough.

"Shania just can't keep her mouth shut sometimes." Charlie muttered. 

"She told me lots of good things, no need to be embarrased." Bradley giggled, as he started up his car and started to drive.

"There aren't too many good things about me. I don't know what she told you." Charlie yawned.

"She told me that you wrote a few books, and that you are getting them published." Brad said, looking over at her even though he was driving.

"You're doing it again, not looking at the road." Charlie rolled her eyes, now looking at him. "And yes, I tried to get my books published, but some people are sexist assholes that use women for money."

"Sexist?" Bradley asked

"They believed only men can write, like it was the fucking old days or some shit." Charlie muttered.


"Really." Charlie shrugged. "Systems fucked." 

Bradley lifted his eyebrow. "But there's loads of female writers out there."

"Yea, but none of those publishers want my book."

Bradley looked over at Charlie and tried to smile. "You'll get it published one day, look at JK Rowling."

"Why are you so persistent." Charlie sighed. She had never met someone who was so demanding for answers.

Bradley took in a deep breath, "Is that why you're sad?"

"No. There are certain reasons why I don't like opening up about myself. I hate people feeling sorry for me." Charlie looked at him. Observing his chocolate brown eyes and how she could see the interest in them. His eyes just wouldn't leave hers.

Bradley pulled the car up in a car park, and stopped the engine and looked back at Charlie. 

"I want to know a lot more about you." He spoke.

Charlie looked down at her lap and thought for a few seconds. This boy had been nothing but nice to her. Charlie looked up at him, he looked like a trustworthy person, and someone that Charlie wanted to keep in her life. It's not everyday Charlie had someone who actually wanted to talk to her, go out with her and text her. She also felt something different around Bradley, something she couldn't explain. It was like he glowed in comfort, a type of calming aura.

"Then you will do a lot of listening." She replied.

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