Chapter 12: Back in England

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Bradleys pancakes were as good as he said. Charlie had finished her last pancake, and gave the last bite to Jesse who was sitting beside her. 

"She really likes you." Bradley laughed as he watched Jesse rub her head against Charlies thigh. 

Charlie rubbed behind Jesse's ears, the spot where most dogs loved to be rubbed. It was the way she would win over a dogs friendship. "Dogs just get me." 

Bradley laughed, more like a giggle infact. Charlie thought it was on odd laugh, he always lifted his head back and laughed quite high-pitched. 

"You laugh weird." Charlie stated. 

Bradley laughed again, Charlie didn't know whether he was genuinely laughing or not.

"You're very nice." He replied to her comment.

"Don't get used to it," Charlie smirked back at him.

"So when do you want to go home?" Bradley asked as he got up and began to remove the plates from the table and over to the dishwasher.

"Now." Charlie said, getting up out of the chair and taking her plate over to Bradley. She bent down and put her dish in and Bradley nudged her.

"Why? What about spending time with me?" He frowned at her.

"You're creeping me out. Why do you keep wanting to be with me." Charlie wondered, nudging him back, but more of a push than a nudge.

"Creepy? I'm just being friendly." Bradley answered. "Well, I suppose if you want to go home, I'll give you a lift."

Charlie nodded, and followed him out the door, on the way Bradley picked up her luggage which was sitting at his front door, and carried out and put it into his car. He went and opened the door and let Charlie in before getting into the drivers seat.  Bradley put on the radio and the first song that was playing was their own song, On The Floor. So he began to sing along.

"I don't need two of you singing," Charlie muttered. 

"I know you love it!" Bradley sang back, trying his hardest to annoy her.

"I really don't," Charlie said awkwardly, looking out the window. "Just focus on driving."

Brad quietened down, rather than singing as obnoxiously as before and looked over at Charlie. She still looked tired, he thought and decided to focus on his driving. 

Charlie had arrived home safely and had survived the awkwardness of Bradley Simpson. She still cringed at the fact that he sang the whole entire time they were in the car. He even tried to sing one of the songs she wrote, but his voice simply didn't sound right with the song. But he sang anyway, much to Charlie's dismay.

Charlie was now at home, sitting on the couch with Casey and her new boyfriend. He was a drug-addict called Hanny, well that was his nickname... That was all she knew. She was awkwardly sitting across from them, now in her PJs as her normal clothing smelt like Bradley. Casey was questioning her about the journey to Australia since they hadn't talked since.

"I hate you," Casey stated, crossing her arms and glaring at Charlie. "I saw all the photos from the concert, I saw all the rumours and everything!"

"Rumors?" Charlie asked she hadn't even bothered to look on the internet for post-concert details. She usually would save the good images to her computer for memories, and read what her fans thought of the performance.

"Didn't you see the articles?" Casey exclaimed, shaking her head. "There were rumours of you getting close with Brad. Apparently, you guys were seen walking around alone after the concert."

"How do people know this. We were just talking." Charlie rolled her eyes. "What type of news article even cares about The Vamps."

Casey laughed. "British people are mad for them. Like me. Duh." 

"They're not that great." Charlie sighed, getting up off the couch as she wanted to end the conversation, "Either way, everyone knows you should never read the comment section... same goes for an article with my name in it!"

"Wait! Come back! You obviously have something going with Bradley. Plus you never told me where you were last night." Casey yelled as Charlie went into her bedroom.

"I was with him," Charlie yelled back, slamming her door behind her.

It took a few seconds for Casey to take that in. She spent the night with him? What did they do? 

Casey looked over at her boyfriend, who was on his phone, not paying attention. "I can't believe it," Casey muttered.

"What?" Her boyfriend replied, not even looking up from his phone.

"Never mind." Casey shook her head at him, not even attempting to explain everything to him.

Casey couldn't believe that Charlie really had a thing going with Brad Simpson. Brad was the one that Casey always went on about, the one who even sparked her interest in The Vamps. Yet here she was dreaming about him when her best friend was spending the night with him. From what Casey knew about Charlie, she probably wasn't even appreciating the time she was spending with the celebrity.

Casey got up off the couch, and went over to Charlies room and opened up the door. Charlie was lying on her bed, staring at the roof. 

"Hey. Do you want to talk?" She asked.

"No," Charlie answered, getting up and leaning against the bed mantle.

Casey came in, shut the door and sat on the edge of the bed. "Do you have feelings for Brad?"

"Oh, you want to talk about that?" Charlie sighed.

"We can talk about your parents another day... But you have a boy in your life now." Casey said, making things clear for Charlie since she wasn't that great when it came to understanding conversations. 

"He took me on a date," Charlie whispered, embarrassed.

Casey took in a deep breath. "You realise how lucky you are?" 

"He's just another guy to me. Except this one took me on a date and talks to me." 

Casey rubbed her temples. She always knew Charlie was terrible at realising simple things like this, but not something this obvious. "So he's not just another guy. Charlie don't you see, he's interested in you."

Charlie stared at Casey for a few seconds. Casey looked into her eyes, she could see nothing in them. Charlie had always been a sadist, who felt no remorse, who liked to see the pain in others. But she was changing, from the first time she met her to now.

She knew that Bradley had done something to her.

"I'm not me around him," Charlie admitted. "It's like... I can't explain it. I don't know."

Casey sighed, "My mother always told me, you'll just know it when you meet the right person. You get a feeling that you can't explain, one that you can't admit to feeling. That's when you know."

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