Chapter 8: Bradley's Guard

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Charlie stood at the International Departures Gate, waving at her parents, friends and siblings. She was glad she talked to her parents again. Getting away from them was the best thing she ever did. But them apologizing made thing better, it didn't fully make Charlie love them again, but it made her happier.

Her parents offered to pay off the rest of Charlies University fees as Charlie was running out of money. Even if she was double-jobbing. Charlie was thankful she started working once she was 15, or she would've been broke long ago.

"Charlie! Make sure you text Brad, or I will for you!" Shania yelled at Charlie as she had her ticket scanned and walked into Customs. Charlie looked backed and waved and walked off into the long line of people.

No matter where she went in the world, the line for customs was always packed to the brim. Charlie wish she could just skip through, because she had no illegal things anyway. She got out her phone and opened up Instagram. The first photo on her feed was the band standing outside the Departure Gate, with Charlie. The Caption read 'Watching Charlie as she goes back to England. We're going to miss her!'

Charlie smiled a little, and opened up the comment section and replied with 'Thanks losers, seeya next year, unless you come to me!' 

She read through the comments ontop of hers. People commenting on how hot her brother was. People commenting 'Chanderbuns.' As Chandler and Buns had there arms around eachother. Then there were the comments Charlie wanted to see.

'I miss you Charlie, you should stay longer and do meetups!'. 

'Don't leave! Join the band again!'

And her favourite comment.

'Fucking loser. How could you leave those guys. I would have gladly taken your place, Shania is so hot. But that Chandler kid took it. Fuck him.'

She quickly replied to the comment. 'Mate, you should've called, I would've given you my spot.'

Charlie wanted to laugh, but she kept it inside as people would probably think she is insane. Charlie looked up and saw the line had barely moved, so she continued to flick trough her instagram feed, liking and commenting, stalking.

She came to a post by Bradley. It was a photo with his dog Jesse. That meant he was back in England. To be quite frank, Charlie wanted to talk to him again. She wanted to know why he was so interested in her. Also Charlie thought she had the slightest chance with him. I mean, he talked to her, so that definitely raised the bar.

Once Charlie had gone through customs, without any big mishaps even though she was stopped when going through the full body scanner,as it beeped and was patted down but luckily it was nothing. Atleast, for them, since she wasn't physically carrying anything but she had been quick back to lines of cocaine when she found out her Buns still sniffed lines.

Charlie plugged her heaphones into her phone and put the earbuds in her ears. She shuffled her playlist and went to sleep.

The flight had finally ended and Charlie was heading out to baggage claim. Her butt hurt more than her feelings when MCR broke up. She groaned as she arrived at the Baggage Claim, rubbing her eyes. She watched as bags endlessly travelled around the weirdly shaped thing...

She finally spotted her suitcase and reached out to grab it. She pulled it back and it fell onto the ground in front of her. Her cheeks went red slightly, and she went to drag it out of the way so other people could get to their bags. 

She wiped the sweat off her forehead and moved her bag to the side. Charlie braced herself for the exit, she hated this part. People crowded around waiting for their friends and loved ones to walk through. There were signs everywhere with peoples names. None that said hers, she thought anyway.

"Charlie!" Someones voice yelled.

Charlie ignored it, probably some other Charlie, she thought.

"Charlie! Charlie Gold!" Came the voice again, more clearer

She looked over, it was a tall guy with a bald head and quite a large figure. Infact it wasn't fat that covered the guy, it was muscle. The guy held up a sign with her name on it.

Charlie hadn't asked for anyone to meet her here let alone come with a sign. So she thought it was someone else and walked past.

The guy tapped her on the shoulder. "Can't you hear?" He asked her.

"No." Charlie snapped, pushing the guys hand off her shoulder.

"I've got a car for you." He said, trying to rush her.

"I didn't ask for a car." She sighed, trying to be polite. She didn't want to be rude to the guy. Imagine the things he could do...

"Look, I work as a security guard for The Vamps, Bradley asked me to pick you up and escort you to him." He sighed. He could probably guess that Charlie didn't trust him. Charlie thought he was going to kidnap her.

Charlie looked at the bald, muscled guy. "Oh gee." She said, apologizing. "I'm sorry. I just realized who you were."

She shook her head in disbelief. He was the guy who was pulling over all the girls who had fainted during The Vamps concert. He was the one who pushed all the girls away that were trying to get into the van.

"No need to apologize. Follow me. He wants us to be quick." 

"Why does he want me?" Charlie asks as she tries to keep up with him, as he rushes off.

"He's planned something for you."

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