Chapter 17: First boyfriend

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"Bradley." Charlie moaned, as Brad kissed her neck. Brad had Charlie pressed up against the wall, and since she was much lighter than Brad he had her on his hips. 

Charlie had a lot of experience when it came to foreplay, and knew exactly how to get Brad into the mood of sex. She couldn't care less about the fact that she was rushing whatever this was, but at least they had some sort of emotional connection. It had been a long time since Charlie had been with a guy she actually knew.

Charlie could feel the heat rising in Brads pants as she lead her hand down his jeans and into his boxers. Brad lost balance from the sudden amount of pleasure he was feeling from his dick being massaged by Charlie and he fell over, taking Charlie with him. 

"The fuck Brad." Charlie said, quickly regaining herself and sitting up. 

Brad laughed, sitting up too. "You hurt?"

"No, I'm a professional when it comes to falling over." Charlie stated, pretending to brush dust off her shoulder.

Brad giggled, and crawled towards Charlie and kissed her again, his tongue slid into her mouth, the taste of peri peri sauce still there even after them making out for the past 5 minutes. 

Charlie slid her hands behind Brads back as he pulled out of the kiss and managed to take off his T-shirt easily. She then lay Bradley back down on the floor and crawled ontop of him, kissing his neck and leading the kisses down to his chest. Brad picked up her hands and lead them to his pants, and tugged on the zipper.

"Pull them off." He moaned. "It's getting to hot down there."

"You want me, huh?" She teased.

Brad nodded guiltily.

Charlie laughed, and pulled down the zipper, but suddenly the front door opened. Bradley shot up, and quickly pulled his zipper up and grabbed his t-shirt. Charlie was also quick to her feet, and by the time the door was fully opened they were both standing there just looking at the person.

"Brad?" Said the girl, looking confused.

Charlie looked awkwardly over at Brad, she hoped to God that it wasn't his secret girlfriend or anything.

"Sorry sis, we just got home." He apologized, putting his T-shirt back on.

The girl smiled and closed the door. "I see you didn't get as far as the hallway." She winked at him.

Bradley awkwardly bit his lip. "Yeah..." He mumbled back.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me?" She demanded.

"Right. Charlie, meet my sister Natalie, Natalie meet Charlie." Brad said, from the way he said it you could tell he wanted to get out of this situation, and quickly.

Natalie shook Charlie's hand, and shone a nice bright smile at her. "I guess I'll leave you to it?" 

"We were just about to watch a movie? Do you want to join in?" Charlie suggested, remembering the real reason why she was here, before she was distracted by one horny Brad.

"No, I'll give you guys some privacy." She shrugged, walking off down the hallway. 

Brad turned around and smirked at Charlie. He then raised his eyebrows at her and winked, in an attempt to seduce her. (look at gif, just imagine it without a microphone)"Well, we've got downstairs all to ourselves."

Charlie wasn't at all seduced."Let's watch a movie then." 

Brad tried to not look disappointed and followed Charlie into the living room. She sat herself down on the couch and put her legs up on the coffee table. "Well, you pick a movie Mr. Simpson."

Brad ignored her comment and came and leaned over Charlie, looking into her eyes. Charlie looked back at his, and then she put her hands around Brads waist, pulling him forward so he sat on top of her. He was incredibly light and Charlie didn't struggle at all to hold him. 

"You know, you're incredibly beautiful." Brad complimented her, still gazing into her eyes.

Charlie didn't say anything back for a few seconds, she was at his features, his brown eyes and incredible smile. She had to admit to the fact that Brad really was attractive. Not just the cute puppy she imagined him to be.

"I guess you're pretty attractive for a guy." She whispered into his ear, before leaning into his neck and kissing him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He moans, as he runs his hand through Charlie's brown hair. 

Charlie stops kissing his neck, and leans her forehead onto his."It's supposed to mean that I, a person who preferably would date a girl, would love to date you."

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend?" Brad asked, very surprised. He didn't think that she would even pop that question, or even if he asked her, say yes.

"Do you want me to ask you formally or something?" She laughs then leaning in and kissing him again. 

"No." He laughs. "I just thought, you'd never ask... I mean, I didn't think you even liked me."

"I didn't think I liked you either. Guess I don't know much about myself as I thought I did." Charlie explained awkwardly.

"I'm glad you like me, after that." He giggled, leaning in to kiss her again.

"Well are you going to answer my question?" Charlie asked, pushing Brad back from the kiss.

"Sure, but can you repeat it for me? Still can't believe my ears." Brad smirks.

Charlie rolls her eyes. "Fine. Will you be my first boyfriend?" 

"Of course I will." He replies, pulling Charlie into another breathtaking kiss.

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