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unidentified feelings

PETUNIA NEVER FELT COMFORTABLE in Dumbledore's office. She didn't know if it was because of the meetings, her ongoing forced visions, or the fact that everything between her and Lily was spilt to others in the seats in front of her.

She had no good memories in this room, and basing it off of the looks of both McGonagall and Dumbledore, who tried their best to hold a happy facade, she could tell this pattern would happen again.

The two sisters, who'd not had much interaction in the past few months, awkwardly stood in the middle of his room, waiting to hear what was so urgent. The wait was almost unbearable to Lily, having it feel like hours rather than the actual few minutes it actually was.

Though, Petunia didn't mind, even as she felt the same as her sister. Because Petunia was used to this. Bad news, negative feedback. She would probably be more antsy to hear the good news, as it was more rare to her.

"You can take a seat."

Not even Dumbledore could hide the waver in his voice.

The two followed immediately.

      Three open chairs, Petunia and Lily sitting at the ends, letting the middle one remain free, the two stared back at him, their eyes occasionally meeting McGonagall's as a tight-lipped frown reached her face.

     "As you may have heard," His gravely voice began, drawling the two back to him, "There have been multiple attacks since the summer had started. In total, 17 different families have been killed by Voldemort and his followers," He explained shortly, "He has attacked the ones who betrayed him, held a threatening presence," He listed shortly, "Some who had something he wanted," His eyes flickered to Petunia.

She placed her eyes on the flooring instead.

      "Last night, at two-thirty in the morning, there was another attack. The eighteenth attack." His voice grew lower, almost to a whisper, "Two had been killed, as they were the only ones home," His words were brief, almost hiding details as he spoke. Though, as his eyes re-connected with Petunia's, he let out the final part, "Isabel and Thomas Evans, your parents, have been killed by Lord Voldemort."

It was quiet for a moment.

Only for a moment.

Because soon, a small weary breath escaped Lily's mouth. And with tears falling from her eyes, staining the cheeks that were becoming red, she  muffled her sobs as the news flashed into her head, repeating the words as if it was a broken record.

Petunia did not move.

She did not frown, she did not cry. The blonde sat in her seat, keeping her eyes in a daze almost as if she didn't hear him. Maybe she didn't. Petunia almost started to wonder if this was a vision, rather than reality. The two were almost identical to her.

She looked to Lily.

The sad look in her eye, the struggle to hold back the sobs that hiccuped. Petunia couldn't grasp the fact that she didn't feel the need to cry, nor be sad over the news. Was something wrong with her? She'd know the answer was yes.

She didn't feel sad.

"The majority of them have been caught."

Her focus was back to him

"There was three of them," He tried to start, holding back the struggle he had to phrase this next part, "An adult and two teenagers," He barely detailed, "We have learned that one was a death eater, the other two were in training." He stopped, letting the tips of his fingers drum against the desk. The silence was nauseating. "We've caught two, the other escaping. They were supposedly spies for his army. They had been planning this for awhile now."

"Do we have their names?"

McGonagall cleared her throat.

"I'm sorry to interrupt," She caught their attention, "But shouldn't we wait," Her voice also cracked as she spoke, her sadness already rising. "You've just told them about their.." She trailed shortly, keeping her eyes on Lily as the girl struggled to wipe away her tears, "Isn't that enough for today?"

He looked to them.

"I would like to know who did it." Petunia almost pleaded, "Please."


"Josephine Turner, the oldest, the only Death eater," Dumbledore's voice echoed into the room, breaking the silence, "Tyler Moore, one of the spies."

Petunia sat back in her seat.

"Did you say Turner?"

Dumbledore nodded in response.

She frowned.

"By any chance," She started, "Would you have any chance to believe that—"

"Miss Turner had a child?" He stopped her, already knowing her question, "And this child is the one who may have escaped?"

Petunia didn't even need to respond, seeing him already connect the dots on his own. He looked at her in anticipation, the twinkle in his eye no longer being dimmed.

"What is their name?"

She stared at him, biting back her lip as the realization tangled into her mind. She felt betrayed. And even then, she didn't. Because now as she thought back, remembering their conversations, something was also off.

She glanced down to her a ring.

It was a short conversation. Unusual, and almost unnecessary at the time. Petunia never knew why they brought it up that night. But as if this were a puzzle, some pieces were starting to fit.

"I only know one person with that last name," She mumbled out, twisting the golden band around her finger,

"And her name is Amber."


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