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barely any fruitiness — but it's something!

quidditch is real?

NEITHER ISABEL OR THOMAS EVANS could grasp the reasoning for Petunia's Hogwarts letter. But as a woman with a tight bun and thin rimmed glasses abruptly landed in their living room, stating, not asking, for Petunia — the two were too intimidated to say no.

So, she went.

    And although she didn't know what to expect, Petunia's stomach immediately swirled as she gripped onto the older woman's hand — making a dizzy spell hit her as the room began to spin.

She was no longer home.

Instead, she landed in a grassy field, still holding onto the woman's hand rather tightly as she refused to open her eyes. And the witch in front of her held back a smile, clearing her throat in the process.

Petunia reluctantly pulled her hand away.

And she opened her eyes.

With a forest facing her, Petunia stared at the impressively tall trees, not being able to see past a few sections. A lake, which was darker than she had ever seen, cascaded down the open fields — slightly waving as the wind blew against it.

   And as the sounds of cheers and hollering called out behind her, Petunia finally took her eyes away from the original sight, now facing what seemed to be Hogwarts — in all of its glory.

    It was miles away, too far for her to see any of the details. But she still couldn't deny the sight to be beautiful — even feeling a form of jealousy as she realized this is what Lily got to look forward too each school year. Especially as Petunia's sight of her school was simply just her bedroom.

Rather boring.

    The continuous cheers and shouts echoed again, and no matter where she looked - no sight of a person could be found.

    "There's a Quidditch game today," The woman beside her explained, "Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw," She continued, noticing Petunia's confused face. "Those are the houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff."

     And despite Petunia nodding at the words, she still couldn't help but look baffled at the woman's first sentence.

"Quidditch is real?"

(mauraders' pov)

       Like always, Sirius Black was in the commentators box (which now is covered, due to the previous accident), yelling at the top of his lungs as he announced each step of the game.

      Peter Pettigrew, who was also intensely watching the game, would sometimes join in — cracking jokes, yelling 'beep' as Sirius would scream profanities at the Ravenclaw team, and would occasionally say the score once in awhile.

     James Potter, himself, was ignoring every single one of his surroundings — only focusing on getting the quaffle scored. And Marlene McKinnon, the other chaser for Gryffindor, was doing her best to shove people out of the way — while also occasionally telling James to "stop being a pussy and shoot the damn quaffle."

Which he would do.

     Both Remus and Dorcas were sitting on the Gryffindor side, cheering for their team in excitement. Though, the two seemed rather distracted at this game — especially as Remus kept his gaze mostly on the commentator's box and Dorcas only stared at one particular player, not even focusing on the score.

     Lily, on the other hand, was actually hanging below the bleachers of the Gryffindor stands — feeling as if she was living through a midlife crisis as she stared at the person in front of her, feeling a way she had never felt before.

She was confused.

    The person in front of her, introduced by Dorcas just a few weeks prior, was so similar to Lily, but also so different.

And it intrigued the girl greatly.

Lily found herself always wanting to be around them, make them laugh, and impress them in any way she could. But, no matter how hard she tried, she was always a stuttering mess.

    And as the game between the two happened right above — Lily's face beat brightly red as she stared at the person before her, feeling as they tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Again, she never felt this way before.

And she didn't know what to do about it.

    So, as the person leant in, placing a small, gentle kiss on the the corner of her lips — Lily couldn't help but let out a nervous laugh, looking at them.



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