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letters from hogwarts

      MID JANUARY ARRIVED SOONER than anticipated, and Petunia sat at her desk, dealing with her school work. Her headaches never lessened by the day, but rather gotten worse, and the silhouette that continued to follow her every move now watched her every night.

       She couldn't sleep. It felt like every ounce of happiness was drained from her.

      Her under eyes were almost as dark as her pupils and she'd grown stressed from her lack of sleep. Her schoolwork looked like a bundle of numbers and letters — creating new words she didn't understand.

And as she tried to figure out the math problem, placing numbers over other numbers — multiplying and dividing, the girl felt slightly distracted, hearing a rhythmic tap on her window.

But thinking it was simply just rain, she ignored it. And Petunia continued her work.

However, once the tapping went faster, and sounded more urgent — the blonde twisted her head around, immediately feeling a smile overcome her tired face.

"Sunny!" She burst in excitement, cringing at how loud she was. Petunia waited a moment, making sure her parents didn't hear her.

They didn't.

And because of this, Petunia sprint to her window, tripping over her own two feet as she approached the familiar owl — the one she hadn't seen in years.

The smokey brown owl, which was slightly smaller than most, was perched outside her window — cocking its head side to side as it stared back at her.

And once she opened the window, inviting the small owl in, she was happy to see it perch on her chair — like it always had previously.

     And even then, despite her tired state, her happiness gleamed more, seeing a letter attached to it's leg.

Her mind immediately went to Lily.

    Like years ago, the owl placed its left leg forward, letting her untie the letter. And as the familiar feeling of parchment graced her fingertips — her heart skipped.

But the letter wasn't from Lily.

      Though — that didn't stop her heart from growing warm.

     Because, in the messiest handwriting she had ever seen, the letter started out with two words—

"Dear Tuna,"

And that was all it took for her to know.

She read it with a smile.

Dear Tuna,

Despite the fact that you deny that Quidditch is, in fact, real — I decided to let you know that we won, thanks to me, of course. Sirius had gotten hit in the face by a bludger (a very heavy ball that gets hit with bats) and landed quite roughly — it was quite funny, to be honest.

Peter is fine, though, he did find my secret stash of food. And the bloody idiot ate all of it, so, I will be getting back at him... any ideas?

Remus, to be honest, is acting quite strange. Always distracted, messing with his hands, somewhat nervous. We think its just exams, so no need to worry.

Marlene told me to tell you she misses you. (and if I didn't she'd hit me.)

Dorcas asks if you are okay.

So that leads me to say —

How are you?

Are you okay?

Don't miss me too much (I know I'm probably constantly on your mind.) I'll see you soon...

-Your Jamesies

     Petunia was as gentle as she could be when she placed the parchment down. And just a second later, her math homework was thrown onto the floor — now having a blank piece of paper on her desk.

      And she stared at it for a moment, suddenly self conscious of what to write.

      Her pen would hover over the paper, but as the words would jumble into her tired mind, she  felt a little overwhelmed.

"Dear James."

Is that too formal?

She crossed it off.

"Dear Gamesies,"

Did she just spell his name with a G?

Petunia mentally slapped herself.

Again, she crossed it off.

And realizing her constant scribbling would probably expose her nervousness, she threw it away — grabbing a clean sheet.

It was just James.

Why was she so nervous?

Petunia took a deep breath — starting again.

"Dear Jamesies,"


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