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i officially chose a traitor<3

the visions never stop

PETUNIA'S FEET BARELY GRACED the floor as James and Remus carried her back to the Gryffindor room. The Order meeting, despite still happening, was cut short for the three students —  as Petunia could no longer hold herself up, being in a dreamy like state.

Her blonde hair was fallen over her face, her eyes were doing all they could to stay open, and her voice, which was raspy, murmured small hellos to each painting they'd pass.

    Petunia probably wouldn't remember much of the night — not even knowing how she'd gotten back into the comfort of her bed. But at the time, that was the least of anyones worries.

     Because James, who kept his eyes on the girl he was holding onto, tripped over his feet multiple times, cursing under his breath as he would have to readjust how he held her.

    And Remus, who's focus was purely on his ring, nervously let his thoughts run wild as he still saw it was black — something that should've changed the moment she'd left her vision.

he didn't know what it meant.

But Petunia did.

      Because as the blonde continued to feel her eyes grow heavier and her head go dizzier, Petunia slowly lost her consciousness in the boys' arms — immediately finding herself in a new vision.

a familiar one.

      The sound of a baby laughing. The sight of two people — one cloaked and the other not. Petunia was able to see things clearer, unlike the last time.

but it was still so blurry.

she watched as everything unfolded.

The woman, whose face still was a blur to her, held her stomach almost defensively, taking a step away from the cloaked individual. And the one in all black had followed her step, slowly closing in on the woman.

The sight, ironically, made Petunia feel threatened in that moment. The hairs on her arm had raised, her heart thumped aggressively, and surprisingly — like the woman before her, Petunia instinctively placed her hands over her stomach.

She, herself, wanted to take a step back.

but she couldn't.

Instead, Petunia had to helplessly watch as the person continued their taunting steps, making the woman hit her back against the crib just behind her.

petunia felt it.

And instead of moving, keeping herself further away from the stranger — she hadn't. Almost in unison, the woman from her vision, along with Petunia, kept one hand on their stomach and the other pushed out, stopping them from coming any closer.

petunia couldn't control her actions.

she wasn't in control.


The word was abrupt, deadly, and almost familiar as it left the woman's lips — and Petunia was surprised to feel her own mouth forming the word, despite nothing being released.

She furrowed her brows.

And almost immediately after, she felt a jolt of rage hit her, hearing an unfamiliar laugh escape the other individual. She was surprised to hear how friendly it sounded.


petunia didn't know that voice.

"No is a full sentence."

she swore she knew that voice.

But she couldn't think about it.

Because her arm, so familiarly, began to burn, and much to Petunia's horror — the only figure she could truly see came through the door, lingering in the corner as he watched the sight.


He did not speak, he hadn't even moved. Voldemort had just watched — staring at the two, his expression cold as he listened.

Petunia's arm began to bleed.

but she ignored it.

"You've done well," The familiar hiss escaped his lips, leading for his voice to annoyingly ring in her ears, "Your cooperation will not go unnoticed."

Petunia frowned.

And as she watched the two gracefully lift their wands, she had to look away — barely missing the bright green light that ignited the room.

it went quiet

it went dark.

And with a gasp, Petunia had shot up into the air, her eyes immediately welling up with tears as she tried to leave her bed — she had felt so stuck.

but she couldn't get up.

Because Marlene, who had the same horrid expression written on her face, was grasping her shoulder — staring at the girl in fear.

Petunia almost missed the tears in her eyes.

And despite her dreadful vision, Petunia immediately left the thought of leaving her bed, instead pulling the shaken up Marlene into a hug.

"are you okay?"

"are you okay?"

their questions blended into each other.



their answers did the same.

And as Petunia helplessly looked at her friend, and then to the night sky — she thoughtlessly moved over, pulling the covers slightly lower.

marlene lightly smiled.

"Let's have nightmares together, then?"


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