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i'm so sorry i only posted one chapter

but 400 reads in 18hours??? YOU GUYS<3

the last of the holiday

A FEW HOURS HAD PASSED SINCE the small moment between Petunia and James. And now, as the clock sat at eight forty AM, most of the group was up.

Remus was rather quiet since he woke up. And surprisingly, so was Sirius — as he stood on the opposite side of the room — avoiding Remus's curious gaze.

Peter was cursing as he finally stood from his spot against the wall, knocking the blanket off of his lap. And as he felt a painful spike hit his back, he couldn't help but groan — immediately trying to pop it.

     Lily and Dorcas were in the kitchen, gossiping away as they cooked breakfast. And despite Marlene sitting on the couch, all the way in the other room, she couldn't help but stare at her curly haired friend.

     However, as she glanced down, a small gasp escaped her lips, and soon it was followed by an 'ow' as she slapped James's hand away.

      "You're supposed to be braiding, not knotting," She tisked at the boy, fixing the strand he messed up. And James watched carefully in return.


     Just an hour earlier, as James watched Petunia clean the house tiredly, he had made the suggestion that she sleep and he would clean. However, as she continuously denied her tiredness, the boy stubbornly pulled her to the couch, patting his leg. And as she shook her head again — he gave her a look — and Petunia finally obeyed.

falling asleep immediately.

     With a trash bag filled of plastic cups and plates still in her grasp — it was slowly starting to fall. Her hair was messily draped over her face, and as she was fast asleep, James tucked the blonde strands behind her ear — trying not to make it obvious as he admired her peaceful state.

Marlene smiled at the sight.

and then suggested braiding.

A set of five small braids surrounded the girl's head before she finally woke up, and as James was starting the six, she quickly sat up — cringing at the feeling of her hair being pulled.

And as she curiously brought her hands up to hair, she was surprised to feel the braided hair — immediately looking at Marlene, who shook her head, nodding to James. And at that, Petunia's eyes widened, turning her head to face a toothy grin.


She matched his smile.


And as the two looked at each other once more, they were soon startled by Sirius, who's conversation with Lily and Dorcas was loud enough for everyone to hear.

     "No, because i've got a point," he pointed out, standing in front of the group, "There is absolutely no way that our future selves aren't talking shit about us."

     "Well, yeah," Marlene laughed, joining the conversation as she leaned forward in her seat, "If I were you, i'd be embarrassed of that haircut too."


She only smiled back.

       "Have you guys packed yet?" Petunia was next to speak, shyly, but as casually as she could — placing her head on James's shoulder.

his heart quickened.

her heart quickened.

lily looked baffled at the sight.

        And instead of getting an answer, Dorcas frowned. "Why can't you come with us?" She mumbled, "I could sneak you in my bag."

        "I don't think she can see Hogwarts?" Marlene countered, "Isn't it bewitched?"

Dorcas's frown deepened.

      "Who knows," Petunia casually stated, "Maybe I have the tiniest amount of magic in me," she spoke sarcastically, "or maybe I'm more powerful than all you bitches."

       And as Sirius scoffed, Peter placed two hands over his ears, mocking offense, "Language. He's only a child!"

Petunia lightly smiled.

      "Sirius?" She asked, watching him yank Peter's hands away from his ears, "What did you call me last night?"

He smiled in remembrance.


          Petunia nodded in confirmation and Remus rolled his eyes, "at least you're getting creative," he said nonchalantly — quickly shooting Sirius a look once he replied with, "oh, I have more!"

        And, despite the protest of Remus, he started to list them, leading more and more people to leave the room — including Petunia.


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