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love n' war

JAMES POTTER COULDN'T HELP but stare at the girl next to him. Her bright blue eyes, straightened hair, and contagious laugh kept the boy distracted for the majority of the train ride. And even when it started to grow dark, leaving a few kids tired during the long journey — James felt his heart almost leap from his chest, feeling as her head tiredly rested on his shoulder.

Remus, who was pretending to read, silently snickered behind his book.

Peter was too busy eating to realize.

And James sat awkwardly.

He had been in this situation before — being this close to Petunia. But, despite that, the same flutter of butterflies would always react in his stomach at the touch. And like always, his hand would glide down to her own — messing with the small ring the decorated her fingers.

he thought her hands were so soft.

"You're whipped."

James suddenly dropped her hand.

"Actually," He countered back, sarcastically, "I don't like whipped cream."

Remus rolled his eyes.

Peter perked up at this.

"Whipped cream?" he suddenly became interested, "I like whipped cream— is there some here?" he started to glance around, "That would taste so good with—"

"There's no whipped cream."

Peter frowned.

"Then why bring it up?"

Again, Remus smiled.

     "I believe Prongs here," He swished his hand over to the two, "Has a little crush on little Evans here."

     And before the bright red James could defend himself, Peter cut him off with a loud laugh — almost waking the blonde up.

     "Obvi-obviously," He said through his breathy laugh, "He'd bloody talk about her all the time — I saw him write 'James Evans' in his notebook," Peter began to list, watching as James struggled to slap him, "They even kissed on the—"


Peter stared at Remus as if he were dumb.

"They've kissed."

"Since when."

      "How did you even see that," James sputtered out nervously, "everyone was basically gone or walking away when we did that."

P.EVANS + J.POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now