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yer a wizard petunia

THE GRASS SLIGHTLY SWAYING from the wind, pink hues decorating the morning sky, causing a small dewey feeling to hit the air — Petunia Evans, with a deep headache, sat on a windowsill, resting her head against the cold window, trying to relieve the pain.

The rest were off to breakfast, something the blonde refused to get up for, and instead kept her focus on the small stack of books she had brought from home. With her busy schedule and complicated feelings, Petunia hadn't had much time to focus on her interests.

such as the moon.

The familiar book rested in her lap, the corner of the pages being already bent due to the fact she'd read it so many times before — her lips moved as she read each word silently, almost having the book memorized by heart.

      Petunia's finger gently traced each and every pattern that decorated the books pages — and as she was so distracted, Petunia didn't hear the thump right outside her room.

she barely even noticed him walking through the doorway.

      "Good morning, I stole these for you," James's voice abruptly lingered into the air, making the girl shift in surprise — staring up at him with a yelp.

      A tired smile, messy hair, and glasses crookedly sitting on his nose — Petunia's once startled state softly turned into a smile, seeing not only the sight of him, but also the small plate of donuts resting in his hand.

His steps were fast, quicker than usual. And Petunia's smile grew as he gave her a swift kiss on her forehead, placing the plate on top of her book.

"Good morning, jamesies."

"Good morning, tuna."

she missed that nickname.

"What are you reading?"

Petunia cocked her head at that.

But as she followed his gaze, seeing sight of the book underneath the food, Petunia brightly smiled — gently placing the plate to the side.

"It's a map!" She passionately started, pointing at the aligning patterns, "Of the moon... obviously.." she nodded, "It shows each cycle — see," Petunia explained, seeing James nod in the corner of her eye, "It's very interesting.. seeing how the moon works and the beliefs people have surrounding it," She glanced at him, surprisingly seeing him concentrate on each of her word. He was listening to her. No one ever really listened to her. She smiled, ignoring her reddened cheeks. "And basing it on today's date," she tried to continue, "today would be the full moon."

James frowned at that.

Petunia glanced back at her book, thinking she may have made a mistake.

she hadn't.



She stared at him.

He stared back.

"Are you superstitious?"

"No, I'm allergic."



"Allergic to what?"

"Whatever you just said."

"Do you know what
superstitious means?"


Petunia blinked.


James faked a gasp.

      "Okay, Snivellus," he mocked out, causing Petunia to furrow her brows in confusion. Though, as she felt like it was an insult, she copied James's gasp, placing a dramatic hand on her forehead.

he smiled.

but then cleared his throat.

"Anyways," He successfully changed the subject, unbeknownst to Petunia, "We have another meeting tonight... and i'll have to be gone after," His voice quieted at each word, "So how about I skip classes and we go do something fun?"

Petunia didn't miss the mischievous look in his eyes.

"Something fun?"

He nodded rather quickly.

"Won't you get caught?"

That time, he shook his head.

And as she gave him a questioning gaze, James's smile grew — wanting to show off to the blonde in front of him.

So, much to Petunia's dismay, the girl watched as he ran out of the room, letting out a high pitched squeal as the stairs-turned-slide swept him off his feet. And waited for his arrival, which was much quicker than she thought, as he sprinted into the room — a map in his hand.

      Like before, his steps were quick, taking her by surprise as he shoved the discolored parchment in her hands, excitedly tapping his foot against her carpeted floor. And as she read the minimal words on the folded paper, she couldn't help but ask,

"Where did you get that?"

which he answered, just as quickly,

"My dorm."

She briefly glanced up at him.

And as her brows furrowed, her mouth moving along to all of her thoughts — Petunia thought back to what Dorcas had taught her just a year ago.

"Couldn't you have just—" She started, again, getting lost in her thoughts, "oh what was it?" She asked herself, ignoring the amused expression she was receiving from James.

"Couldn't you just say acc— accio," she stuttered, "Accio... Marauders' Map?"

his amused expression vanished.

and he pulled the map from her grip.

And with an annoyed expression on his face, Petunia teased a smile in return, already hearing the sarcasm lace into his voice.

"Go on," He sarcastically started, rolling his eyes at her small laugh, "You go be the wizard then."


P.EVANS + J.POTTERWhere stories live. Discover now