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christmas guests

IT WAS RARE TO SEE LILY EVANS being the first one awake on Christmas day. However, it wasn't a surprise to anyone, since her two friends would be visiting that very night.

     Dorcas Meadowes and Marlene McKinnon, two girls that Lily met at Hogwarts, were coming in just less than twelve hours, and Lily was up at the crack of dawn, already getting ready for it.

   Her hair in loose curls along with her light eyelashes being dark from mascara, Lily Evans was holding up two shirts in front of a mirror, choosing which to wear that day.

    Petunia was still tiredly sleeping on her bed. With dinner not being too eventful, the small girl was able to go to her bedroom sooner than usual, and she took advantage of that — falling asleep as early as nine-thirty pm.

     Her body was sprawled out in a position that looked rather uncomfortable, but the blonde didn't seem to mind as the continuous sounds of soft snores escaped her lips,

    Occasionally, the youngest twin would twitch, almost waking up for Christmas Day. But despite that, it still took her another hour to fully open her eyes — letting out a small yawn.

    Her window was still creaked open, inviting in the twenty degree weather that chilled the outdoors. And Petunia, who immediately had goosebumps laid on her arms, was quick to go and shut it — with much effort, might she add, since it was basically frozen shut.

     Unlike Lily, Petunia was not as excited for the day. Since she was so used to being alone, adding two more people, and then three to four (and at one point the Dursley's) the following days, was going to be a huge change for her.

     Again, unlike Lily, she was not inspired to change into her nicest clothes, and instead opted to stay in her warm pajamas and soon fluffy socks.

      Escaping her room, the blonde had run into her family, who were huddled together over the dining room table. Quiet laughs and small smiles overlaid their faces, and Petunia felt her heart jolt at the sight — feeling slightly left out.

      In front of her small family laid two things. Hot cocoa and a photo album. Like she assumed, there were only three mugs sat on the table, and she again would have to make her own.

     However, as she went passed the dining room and into the kitchen, her frown had deepened — seeing as the pre-made cocoa was already tossed away, meaning that none was left.

she ignored her feelings.

      Instead, the young girl decided to make herself a small cup of tea, and join her family as they reminisced past memories.

       Though, again, the ongoing uncomfortable feeling in her stomach continued. Especially when she tried to look at the album, but instead faced her parents shoulders — who were much taller than her. And then, as she tried to move over, a bundle of red locks overtook her sight.

     It was only once Petunia got on her tippy toes when she could see the old photos. And as the pages continued to be flipped, Petunia was the only one who noticed the pattern.

    Each page equalled each month. And as each page and month passed by, Petunia's wide smile would slowly dim. The genuine happiness that made her glow was always growing faker, and even up to the previous years, her pupils were dilated immensely and the white in her eyes were purely red.

Petunia was high in these photos.

And to her relief, her family simply skipped over the state that Petunia was in, and instead gushed over Lily. Matter of factly, they had officially got into the section that only had pictures of Lily.

So Petunia left.

Heading into the quiet living room, Petunia sat on the old couch, humming the tunes of Christmas music as she stared at her tree. The colorful lights that were decorated outside of her house would occasionally flicker, leading the red and green lights to slightly illuminate the room. And, for a second, two shadow-like figures covered the flickering lights.

Petunia sat up slightly at that, and awkwardly stood from her seat. She did not shy away from peaking out the window, but as she did, nothing came into sight.

Instead, three hard knocks landed on the door beside her, causing the girl to briefly jump in surprise. Though, the knock was soon followed with a squeal, and Lily rushed passed her, throwing open the door.

Noticing her excitement, Petunia glanced out the doorway, seeing two girls standing in the cold.

One, with long blonde hair and a face full of makeup gleamed at Lily, holding her arms at for a hug. And the second girl, who had dark skin and shoulder length curly hair, held a large smile before saying,

"Sorry! I know we are early!"


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