epilogue: in where?!

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Valentina jumped off from the sky making her land on the ground. Groan and grunted from the pain she came from fives teleportation. She got up slowly looking around her surroundings saw nothing but land.

" deigo! Klaus! Five!! "  she yelled out to them, through the teleportation. " guys!!"

Panicked started to get to her, rising up. She looked where she came and the portal disappeared. The weather was warm, feels like summer but a cool breeze coming.

' what the hell?!... '

She started to walk, then saw a car pulling up.

" excuse me! If it's okay I can get a ride. "

She asked politely to the people of a women and man. They nod their heads to her request.

" sure thing. Where to sweetheart?" The women ask her.

" into the town? I don't know where I'm am to be honest. " she chuckled lightly, while scratching her head as she got in the car.

" oh. You're in Texas, Dallas. " the man spoke.

Valentina eyes almost went out, shook her head to make sure she heard that correctly from the gentleman.

' Texas!?.. No that can't be, but what year. ' she thought, as she took a glance at the people at the houses. ' or when?...'

" oh, right thank you. "

Time skip

They made it into the town, the couple gave Valentina their numbers just in case if anything happens. Valentina nod and thanked them for helping her out. Waved at them, seeing they drove off far into the distance. She felt kinda weird because people were glancing at her weird of how she is dressed.

She shook her head trying not to panicked, as she trying to find out what decade she's in. Going through the trash bin saw a newspaper.

Pulling it out seeing the year.

" you've got to be kidding... " she said to herself, seeing the date. " October 1, 1962."

She dropping the newspaper on the ground in shocked till she bumped into someone knocking his bag and hat to the ground.

She picked up his things, " I'm so sorry sir. It's my fault let me. "

The man stare at her, after she's done. Picking up his belongings handing it to him along with his bag. She look at him giving him a weird look.

" um, sir? Your things." She hand them to him.

He was shocked by her appearance till he spoke to her, " sorry miss but I got a question?"

She hummed, with an eyebrow raise in confusion.

" are you looking for a job?"

Valentina took a step back. " um, I'm not joking no cult no nothing."

He chuckled at her, " no it's not that. I'm a recruiter for an talented agency, you in?"

Valentina nods but told him no funny business. So they went as she follow him. From there on her life take a turn worried for her family and five.

~ Fin. ~


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