Chapter 6 number five

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Five got a hold of Valentina's body seating by the pile of bricks, not letting go of her. He looked around trying to find a empty space for her, as he is going to bury her body. At least he can do that for her and to himself which he doesn't feel right leaving her dead body by the bricks. Especially, his family also, so he went to go look for a empty space for his family and Valentina.

When he found a space he went back to the academy to get his family carrying them to the spot.

When he got to eights body. He carried her bridal style, going back to the location which he did so he gentle put her down and start digging a hole big enough to cover his family's body.

After some time, finished with his family's part then finished to Valentinas part as well, he tried to look for decent flowers but so far with every ashes everywhere he found a couple decent ones that will work couple for her, and couple for the outside.

He went towards where he left Valentina's body, and gentle put lift her body, gentle put her down. Grabbing the set of flowers on the edge putting them in her hands gentle getting out of the hole.

Put his hands in his pockets, trying to find the perfect words for a moment of silence.

" I'm sorry Valentina, you were right. About everything. I should've listen to you, dad. " he paused feeling guilty, " and, um, I should of confessed to you. Or well I thought it would turned out the other way, how I wanted. "

He stare at her body trying to not to cry but felt tears running down his cheek. ".... Before I left I wanted to say that... I love you. Ever since when we were kids. You made me feel I never felt before, you made me feel loved, care for, showing what a friendship is like, and loyalty..." He inhale closing his eyes as he continue, " what a good person is like. But I wish I could do the same to you... "

He spoke with soft sobs in between. Then he took out his locket that she bought him, he opened it showed a imagine of her and him, smiling and hugging. He loved her smile, eyes everything about her that made him soft. Now he has something to remember and memento of her.

" i love you Valentina Hargreeves. Always will... Always have. " he let out a soft sobs as he bent down to his knees to kiss her cheek. Feeling cold, but warm at the same time.

Then he got up started to put the dirt putting it in the hole about few minutes or an hour he place the second patched of flowers on the dirt. He started to walk but stand in front of her grave one last time, a feeling he should have never felt or do.

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