Chapter 5 close call

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Mini flashback
13years ago
" dad can I get out now! I'm done!" Eight said to her dad, feeling scared and frightened. By her powers as she was still new to her powers, having one was good enough but two, not really.

Valentina was still new to her powers, even at the stages of being a teen or close to it. She was conflicted about being isolated or just get use to it.

But five confidence her to just practice with her powers, so she did. Now, it was training with their father it was training time and them along side pogo who stood by and watched by their progress, especially vanya. Valentina was nervous, extremely nervous to the point where she would puke. But five held her hand calming her down.

Every day is training, except their father gives them a few days off, and sometimes with her siblings or solo with their dad. Her siblings knows that eight has two powers that's why she's the special lucky eight.

The golden child.

But for her, she hates being the best is not great, especially you got to be perfect. That's why she gets along with Allison. Every time she is done with training, she gets anxiety attacks.

This time is solo day, with their father.

Reginald spoke, " you got to believe in yourself number 8! Take a deep breath and concentrate."

She tried to concentrate on her powers which ever one she has, since she has two. So she tried to use her electricity but her panic and anxiety attacks got to her.

But this time her father decided to use a small room that looks like a panic room but instead of that he use it to help her with her powers to control it.

Valentina breathing became hard and thick and repetitive to the point where she would pass out.

' breath, Val. Just breath you got this. ' she paused to her thoughts, ' just use one power out of time....'

She starts to use her electricity, by using her hands making it into a ball. Letting out deep breaths.

On the other side of the door it was her father watching her, keeping an eye on her powers. He notice some upgrades on her so he wrote it down on his book.

' if Valentina keep this up, she'll do great no... the greatest. Just needs to believe.' He thought

Valentina got her eyes close but not noticing the progress that she is doing.

" open your eyes Valentina! Keep your eyes op by your abilities!" Reginald

She hear, but shook her head hard. " I can't! I'm too scared!"

" open your eyes slowly Valentina. Slowly. " Reginald said calmly

She did as she was told, notice it. It was a clear electricity beam ball. Feeling a smiled coming in she felt success is coming along. till it something seems off.

" master Reginald. Something isn't right. " pogo said by the side till all three of them notice that the beam ball starts to grow stronger stronger by the palm of her hand.

Reginald notice and eyes widen as he notice  something a lil detail to this part of her power.

' fire?..' he thought. Then called out for her, " Valentina! Stop this at once!."

" I... I can't! I don't know how to stop it!" Valentina

" d-dad! I smell smoke!" Vanya yelled. Pogo starts to get panicked.

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