𝚇: 𝚂𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝙵𝚕𝚢

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Then she remembered she was a ghost and falling off a roof wouldn't hurt her and she relaxed. 

Olivia stood on top of the roof and admired the view, the streets were bustling with people and the sounds of cars filled the air.

It took her a few minutes to realize she was still holding Luke's hand before she pulled it away, chuckling nervously as Luke blushed.

"Ok are you gonna tell me why we're here" she asked with a smile, Luke smiled back before sitting down, Olivia doing the same.

The boy pulled out his song book and a guitar materialized in his hands "go and flip to "Bright'' ''.

This made Olivia raise a brow, she remembered writing Bright in the garage with Luke back when they had started playing more gigs, right before she stopped performing.

"why am I flipping to''Bright'' ?'' she asked

Luke was strumming a riff on his guitar and didn't look up as he answered

"I was thinking maybe, if you're okay with it of course, we could let Julie sing it.

Her whole music program situation sucks but I just know that if she put herself out there and showed her teachers how talented he is they would totally let her in.

If we figure out the melody and stuff and if Julie agrees to perform it, there's no way her teachers are gonna deny her again. I mean Sunset Curve never got anywhere by asking we got in by -"

"Doing." Olivia finished for him with an adoring smile on her face, Luke looked up at the girl and grinned his boyish smile.


Luke went back to working on his riff but Olivia couldn't help but stare at him just a little while more, she loved how passionate he was about helping Julie back into her music program, she loved how much he actually cared about this girl he just met and how much he emphasized with her.

Olivia broke out of her daze and went back to flipping through pages but as she flipped a page, her eyes landed on a song.

It looked slightly old, notes and canceled words everywhere, at the top the title read "Line Without a Hook".

Olivia frowned as she flipped to the next page, another song she had never seen before.

This one didn't have a title but she read out the first few lines

"Remember the day when we've given up, when you told me I didn't give you enough. And all of your friends were saying I'll be leaving you" she read with a raised brow and Luke's head snapped up.

He snatched the book out of her hands so fast and a blush creeped up his neck,

"that's not the song" he mumbled as he flipped to "Bright" .

Olivia couldn't help but feel hurt, I mean obviously Luke was allowed to hide things from her but for as long as she's known Luke he has always shown her songs he wrote, doesn't matter if it was just a few lines or just a draft .

He always showed her.

Hell she was the first person he showed Unsaid Emily to.

As she watched Luke play his guitar while scribbling down some notes on the book page, she wondered what was so important about those 2 songs that she wasn't allowed to see.

But then she remembered about the one song she would never allow anyone to read ever and decided it was fair.

Her guitar materialized in her hands and she moved closer to Luke

𝚂𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝙽𝚘𝚠 | 𝙻𝚞𝚔𝚎 𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚘𝚗Where stories live. Discover now