XXVI: Just For A Moment

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"Beach waves"


Olivia sat at Julie's vanity curling her hair into soft wavy curls as Julie sat on the bed, placing her bracelets and rings on her hands.

The girls had decided to get ready together and to catch up on everything in their lives without the boys disrupting their conversation.

"So what's new with you?" Olivia asked as she looked at Julie through the mirror.

"Well-uh, Nick asked me out," Julie shrugged with a shy smile.

Olivia broke out into a grin as she let a lock of curled hair fall from the iron and onto her shoulder.

"Tell. me. everything"

Julie then proceeded to tell the ghost how he asked her out after their dance class and how Julie said yes with no hesitation.

As the girl gushed about her date Olivia couldn't help but smile at the girl.

The Julie they first met was nothing like the Julie now.

Now she was happier, bubblier.

She hoped nothing else would bring the girl down.

When Julie finished, she looked up at the blond ghost expectantly "now tell me about you and Luke"

Olivia's hand froze midway while combing her fingers through her curls, she whipped around to face the Latino with a nervous smile.

"What do you mean? Nothing happened.''

"That's a lie, you guys were sneaking glances at each other throughout rehearsal. Spill"

Olivia sighed as she began to tell her the events that happened in the past 24 hours, how he took her dancing and how they almost kissed.

Julie squealed "omg! So you guys like each other!"

Olivia shrugged "huh, I guess we do" she laughed.

She never had a chance to sit down and think about it but now that she did, yeah they did like each other.

They liked each other a lot.

Both girls stand from where they are and check each other out with a smile.

Julie was wearing long cargo pants and a white top with butterflies while Olivia wore a soft yellow flowered knee-high sundress and a black leather jacket with her heeled boots.

"We look good," the girls said in unison and laughed as they made their way down the stairs to meet the guys.

When they walked into the garage, the boys immediately turned to face them and loud whoops and hollers were heard from the boys as the girls showed off their outfits.

"Damn Liv, you are smokin! " Reggie sang as Olivia curtseyed.

"Miss Julie teach me your fashion ways," Alex said as he playfully bowed to the Latino causing her to swat at him, her hand passed through him.

"Hey Luke, doesn't Olivia look beautiful?" Reggie called, it was only then Olivia turned to face Luke and her heart sped up.

The boy was wearing a beanie, a graphic tee, and long pants. The boy's eyes met hers and then trailed her body in awe of her outfit. The boy's eyes snapped up to hers again and his cheeks turned pink.

"Y-you look gorgeous," Luke said with a shy smile causing Olivia to grin.

"You don't look too horrible yourself loser" She teased as he nudged the brunette causing him to laugh.

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