XXXII: Thank you for the music

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Julie's performance started a few minutes ago and the ghosts were still at the club. They were running out of options as they continued to play their instruments.

"We have to leave!" Olivia yelled at the guys, music was blasting still and the dancers twirled around them.

"Yeah but how?" Alex cried from the drums. Olivia huffed a frustrated sigh.

"We have to cross over, we can't do this forever. We have to poof out of here. Everybody just has to focus hard on getting to the Orpheum." Olivia yelled again. The boys exchanged glances.

"Will that work?" Reggie asked.

"It's worth a shot," Luke answered.

The ghosts all closed their eyes and pinched their foreheads in concentration.

Olivia thought all about how much Julie had grown into a younger sister to her, how much she loved the young Latino and her bubbly nature, how much she loved every one of the guys with all she was, how much she loved Reggie and how he could make her laugh no matter what, how much she loved Alex and all his sarcasm and how she would be completely lost without him.

How much she loved Luke Patterson, how much she loved the boy's stupid grin, the boy's passion for music, the feeling of his arms around her, the feeling of butterflies he always made her feel when he walked into the room, how when he kissed her it made her feel like there was no one else in the world but them.

When the girl opened her eyes she felt the wind knock out of her. The roaring crowd was no longer the one at the Hollywood Ghosts Club but the one at the Orpheum.


She turned to face Julie, with her guitar in hand, who smiled widely at the blonde as she continued to sing.

She saw Reggie move towards her with his base as he let out an excited yell. She whipped around to see Alex at the drums, the two siblings smiling stupidly at each other.

The girl grinned at the crowd who screamed as she played her guitar beside Reggie, it wasn't till the girl looked around more that she realized Luke wasn't there.

Olivia's smile wavered, what if Luke couldn't do it? Did Caleb do something? Where was he?

"Everything is rushing in fast, keep holding on, never look back." Julie sang and there he was.

The 4 teens on stage turned to face Luke who was flickering in and out on stage. Olivia frowned in worry as she watched Luke struggle to fully reappear on stage.

The 3 ghosts exchanged worried glances with one another as Luke continued to flicker on stage.

"Come on Luke come on," Olivia muttered under her breath as she continued to play, grabbing the mic and harmonizing with Julie.

"Light a fire in my eyes." Olivia sang desperately.

Luke turned to face the girl, her voice flowed through him and he focused on her singing. With one more burst of strength, he fully reappeared on stage with a grin as he locked eyes with the beautiful girl across the stage from him.

"I'm going out of my mind!" Luke sang and Olivia let out an excited laugh.

As Julie slowly made her way down from the piano, Reggie made his way up near Alex, and Luke made his way over to the blonde.

Both of them could care less about the crowd watching them as they smiled at each other.

"Whatever happens, even if I'm the last standing, imma stands tall, imma stand tall! Whatever happens, even if everything's down imma stand tall! Imma stand tall! " Olivia, Julie, and Luke sang in harmony. The crowd loved them, and Olivia was having the time of her life.

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