XXV: Girls Ammirite ?

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WHILE OLVIA HAD RUN TO THE BATHROOM TO FIX HER BRAIDS WHEN LUKE AND HER POOFED BACK, Luke and the rest of the guys sat on the couch working on songs and just lazing around.

"Look, we echo during the chorus, then when Olivia comes in with the melody it's gonna sound perfect!" Luke announced as he pointed to the song sheet on the table, his guitar in his lap.

"I thought Julie was singing that line?" Reggie asked.

"Yeah but since Olivia's finally performing again, I thought giving her some parts in the songs would be great for her to fully regain her confidence." Luke beamed at the thought of the girl singing, Julie was good but Olivia was able to bring a house down if she wanted to.

Alex and Reggie exchanged knowing smirks but as they turned to face away, the top of Willie's head was seen through the garage windows.

Olivia had chosen that moment to walk back out and join the boys, her brow furrowed as Willie's head quickly disappeared from the window.

"Wasn't that Willie?" Olivia asked but Alex had already poofed outside to talk to WIillie.

Olivia sighed as she made her way over to the couch to sit in the spot Alex had sat in.

"What's on your mind Liv?" Reggie asked as he played with the ends of her braids.

"I just... I love Alex so much, and I've seen him get heartbroken, walked over, and hurt because of what guys in the past have done to him. He likes Willie and I just don't want him to go through all that again." Olivia sighed, she rested her head against her hand as Reggie wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders.

"Come on Liv, Alex is stronger than you think and he'll be fine. If Willie does break his heart he has 3 ghost friends ready to kick his ass" Reggie puffed his chest out proudly causing Olivia to snicker.

"Oh yes, Reggie you're my hero" Olivia teasingly swooned as Reggie grinned childishly, tickling her side as she shrieked.

Luke watched them with a content smile, back then this kind of behavior between them used to make him jealous.

But ever since what happened on the roof he couldn't help but feel reassured that she was his. Sure, she hadn't said that in so many words nor did he ever feel like she was an object who belonged to anyone ever.

But deep down Luke knew he didn't have to be afraid of anyone taking her anymore.

When Alex had returned, the 4 ghosts started rehearsing without Julie. Olivia stood beside Reggie as she tried out a new guitar riff, but just as they started getting into the song Alex's drumming started becoming even more aggressive.

The blonde boy hit his drums as if they had stolen his money, his face was cloudy with anger and annoyance and the other three ghosts stopped playing their instruments to watch Alex hit his drums aggressively in all directions, no longer following the music.

When Alex finished Olivia frowned in concern.

"Alex you alright?" the girl asked warily.

"Yeah-yeah why?" Alex mumbled nonchalantly.

Luke and Olivia exchanged knowing glances as Reggie spoke up.

"I know it's tough man. People say you never forget your first ghost, maybe that's true!" Reggie shrugged in an attempt to take his mind off Willie.

Earlier after his conversation with Willie, Alex had come back and explained how Willie couldn't see Alex anymore and the poor boy had been upset ever since.

"I'm sure there will be others," Reggie said.

"Yeah thanks, Reg." Alex sighed.

"Besides you don't need him, you're a catch and anyone can see it" Olivia winked and Alex's cheeks tinted pink.

"And Alex, you're a great drummer and great guy ok? I wouldn't let all that stuff get in between you and what you love." Luke suggested with a kind smile as he leaned on Alex's cymbal.

" I don't know man, sometimes a little fire can make things better on stage. Like you and Olivia." Reggie said with suggestive eyes as he pointed at the 2 teens.

Olivia's eyes widened as she opened and closed her mouth in an attempt to disagree, Luke, flushed bright red as he started to stutter.

" uh- I - wh-what's that supposed to mean?" Luke nervously chuckled as he glanced at the blonde girl. She was still staring at Reggie with a gaping expression.

"Come on, everyone can see the way you look at her when you sing. You guys ooze chemistry," Reggie said.

"You should never say ooze again but yeah, I agree," Alex says as he throws his sister a sly grin. Olivia's face burned even more.

"Ok no, I have chemistry with everyone I sing with." Luke tried to deny it for Olivia and his sake, but the other two ghosts didn't believe him.

"Ok ok watch." Luke said he locked eyes with Reggie and began to sing the chorus of "Great".

As he sang, he kept moving closer and closer to Reggie. He never once broke eye contact with the boy and instead made his gaze even more intense as the distance between them became smaller.

Olivia and Alex snickered as Reggie shocked and nervous expression as Luke got so close to Reggie's face they were only inches apart.

"And we're standing on the edge of great" Luke sang, he kissed his fingers and brought them up to Reggie's lips. Reggie's jaw fell open.

"Wow, I see the chemistry," Olivia said with a smile.

"That was pretty hot" Reggie choked out.

Reggie quickly cleared his throat and chuckled nervously.

"Girls, am I right?''

"Yeah," Luke agreed.

"No," Alex smiled

A/N: hi guys i'm alive. so prelim exams just ended for me and i have the most important exams of my life right now in a week so ya that's super fun. this was just a short filler chapter and i swear the juicy parts are coming up. thank you all for the support and love for speak now and i actually have a teen wolf issac lahey fanfic in the works right now so stay tuned for that once speak now finishes. love you guys

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