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hi @Cheychey26! thanks so much for the request. I am suffering from writer's block rn and need the help.

I sat, staring at Erik's handsome face. He really is a beautiful man, only, if he knew I thought that, he would surely shun me away from him and I would lose him forever. his friendship with me would end. it would cease to exist. 

"y/n? y/n!" erik called


"Are you listening?" his head tilted

"yes, sorry"

"so, what do you think, should I move?" he gestured to his lair

"yes, uh, you should, you will be safe"

but away from me. oh hush, brain

"I suppose, but it can wait" Erik looked at me for a response.

~time skip~

Erik broke down in my arms, his sobs shaking the both of us.

"why oh why, he didn't even love her" I heard him mutter through tears

his breathing was ragged and sharp, his every breath bringing us up and down together.

"oh, please Erik, do not be sad, she is happy now,"

"oh is suppose". he broke down once more.

"I loved her"

"I love you" I blurted out

he stopped crying and slowly pulled away.

"i-am sorry it's late, I must be going" he left silently.

oh, no, no-no-no. I am so silly! why did I say that? I broke down crying.

~time skip~

"y/n, please eat, you haven't eaten in ages!" my friend Melanie popped though the door

"I'm not hungry, Mel, I don't need to eat,"

"oh, fine, but please consider it."

"yes, yes"

I turned to see a small letter on my desk. by the smell of parchment and roses, I could tell who its sender was.


I am so sorry, for everything. I know I reacted wrong and shouldn't have run off. although my feelings are not returned I do not want to leave you as you are the only person to care for me and show affection towards me. please see me again.

forever yours,


I made a start for the prima donnas dressing room, quickly opening the pink door and creeping towards its mirror

it was open just a bit so I pulled it back to reveal its hallway.

"Erik, are you there?"

I soon enough came to Erik's room, noticing his figure

"Erik" his head shot up,

he ran to me and hugged me.

"I've missed you, Erik."

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