Chapter 19: Shine a Light Down on Me

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"Harry?" Sirius dropped the dinner roll from his mouth as Harry stormed through the open door. "What are you dong here?"

"I need to find a book... a book on rituals used with firstborn children." Harry brushed passed his cousin and ran up the stairs where he knew where the library was. "Have you ever heard of a ritual using five children?" He was well aware of the man following behind him. Although Sirius was light, or attempting to be light, he was still a Black.

"Ah..." Sirius started, clearing his throat of the bread. "A few, you'd best use the Loric tome. It deals with firstborn children." Harry summoned the tome to his open palm. It weighed down heavily, causing him to grab it with two hands. "Is this some sort of last minute essay you have to write about, kid? Because when I was your age-,"

"Sirius," Harry snapped, looking up at his cousin with a sigh of aggravation. "For once, you can drop your act. I won't judge." Looking away from the surprised face of the Black, Harry quickly paged through the crisp pages. "I need to find something for five firstborn children." Harry intoned. The book glowed, shuddering. With his magic, Harry compelled the book. "I also need to find something that will involve loyal sacrifices with a powerful conductor."

Letting the book go, the pages flipped themselves, listening to him.

"Maybe something that's related to the Cannius Ritual; one where the five children are marked by the conductor at birth." Taking a deep breath, Harry looked up at the ceiling, feeling himself frown sadly. "Possibly one that drains the children's magic." His voice was soft, almost weak. A part of him hoped there would be no such ritual...a part of him hoped Voldemort would really trust him enough...

But as he looked down, the book was motionless, lying open to the ritual he had briefly remembered reading about.

The Sadist Ritual.

It was a ritual where the conductor, Voldemort, would be in need of five loyal follower's children; the firstborns. To the children, after the ritual was complete, it would feel as if they were gaining magic, sharing it with the conductor. But in reality, the conductor would be slowly draining their magic until they were dead. It was a powerful ritual, one where many superstitious numbers and signs were scattered throughout the process:

Five children because there were five points in a runes star.

Children because they were pure.

Loyal followers because it would strengthen the bond and the amount of magic given to the conductor.

And firstborns because it was known that the first born had more power, the ideal heir.

Harry gave a loud groan, his head full of pain. Voldemort had lied. The man knew how much family meant to him, how could the Dark Lord be so stupid? So cruel? What was he planning on doing with the five corpses of the children? How could he explain that? Would he really risk all that emotional pain just to gain more power?

Yes. Tom Riddle was always known for being power hungry. Why should it shock him so?

In doing this ritual, not only would Voldemort gain more power, he would also loose his loyal followers. Lucius and the other parents would eventually put two and two together after they slowly realized their children all died with a loss of magic. Harry was sure Voldemort could come up with a way to cover it up well enough... but really. It was a surprise that the parents really trusted the Dark Lord this much. To allow the man to hold their children's life in his palm. But Harry had to be reasonable. It was their Lord. They would follow the Dark Lord anywhere. They would never question.

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