Chapter 6: Find a Back Door Out of Life

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" did you find me?" It was his first words to the Dark Lord and he managed to stutter and sound stupid at the same time. Brilliant, Harrison, brilliant. The Dark Lord looked handsome standing serenely near the broken temple. His hair gently waved at him in the wind and his crimson eyes glowed as he settled Harry with his predatory stare. The same stare Harry could never seem to break contact with.

He was locked on the Dark Lord. Everything about the man seemed to awaken his senses and actually make him feel human. Nonetheless, the Dark Lord also made him a stuttering mess.

Dare he say he was actually smitten with the man? Merlin, it would never work out. First off, Voldemort was a powerful Dark Lord who had no interests in boys halfmore than half his age. And secondly, Harry didn't believe in relationships.

"You have a distinct smell of lilac. I followed your magical trace after you apparated." Harry perked up, coming halfway out of the shadows.

"You can smell power as well?" Voldemort grinned amusedly at him. "I've smelt since I was a little boy. My father thought I was crazy" He remembered telling Lucius about Voldemort's lilac smell. That hadn't gone all too well.

Voldemort seemed to float nearer toward him, causing Harry to retreat deeper in the shadows. "Smelling aura's is rare. Only powerful wizards are able to smell auras. If I'm correct in assuming, only you, Dumbledore and I can sense auras." Voldemort paused in his advance, noting how Harry seemed to draw back from him. "The ability is very unique, you should be proud of the ability, not self-conscious."

"I'm not," Harry shot back. "I just don't have a very wide access of good information at Hogwarts."

"Hogwarts library is indeed lacking on information for the above average wizard." Voldemort agreed softly. "Or the Lord level wizard."

Harry became flustered under his stare, turning to look in the distance. "I apologize for my behavior today, My Lord. You needed not to have seenthat." He thought he might as well apologize for his lack of manners.

"I don't think you are the one who needs to apologize, Harrison." From the corner of his eyes, he watched warily as Voldemort continued his way toward him. The closer the Dark Lord came, the tenser he became. "I had a talk with your father on his rash decision. He's starting to realize where he went wrong with raising you."

Harry didn't say anything to that. The Dark Lord didn't have a right to dig into his personal upbringing- but he would never say that out loud. He knew what would happen. Lucius loved Voldemort so much that he'd do anything to please his Lord. And that included trying to love a child he had no heart to do so.

"I don't want to be part of his family any longer." He watched as the Dark Lord sat down across from him, forcing to meet his stare. Even if he was a little miffed that Voldemort dug into his personal life, it was slightly flattering that the man cared enough to do so.

"Nonetheless," Voldemort sat poised near Harry's stretched out legs and turned his torso toward him. "I have wanted to meet with you for so long. The last time I saw you, you were a little runt who barely came up to my knees." Harry grinned in spite of himself. "But there is something we need to discuss face to face." Harry tensed, watching him with hooded eyes. "You're a Seer and you have not told anyone yet."

Harry turned his cheek away for a moment, laying it on the cold stone. His eyes sought the rising moon. "So you do remember that day." Harry gave a dry smile, turning back to the crimson gaze. Voldemort was so emotionless, it was hard to discover what the man was thinking or feeling. "Now you understand why I have yet to tell anyone. No one would believe me."

"Forgive me, I was in my prime. I didn't want to listen to a six year old who told me I would blow up." Voldemort sounded amused. "If I knew what you were, I wouldn't have gone to Longbottom's house."

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