Chapter 38

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The following days after Wooyoung's first day on the job has been unbearable for Soojin. It's like that roles has been reversed. Soojin's the one who's been indifferent while Wooyoung has been the one following her around and being blunt about his feelings at random times.

Wooyoung has also been consistent on bringing Soojin lunch everyday which she really can't refuse to accept as the older is quite persistent. If ever the younger would say that she's not hungry, he would pretend to be sad and guilt trip her that he woke up early just to cook for her even though he didn't have much sleep.

Now, today is Friday. She was kind of relieved that it was, because that means she could finally breathe comfortably for two days again. It's not that she hates having Wooyoung around her, but she just wants to not get attached to him anymore. She's just afraid that the same thing in the past will happen again. Soojin wasn't a hundred percent sure that she's cured even though that her therapist said that she's in her best condition.

However, it seems like what her friend, Choi Yeonjun said was right. Wooyoung was really stubborn and unshakeable. No matter how many times Soojin rejected his multiple dinner invites in a day, he would still ask her again, hoping that she'll eventually say yes out of annoyance.

"So, I found a newly built bistro not far away from your place. Would―"

"I'm busy, Woo." She sighed, rubbing her temples as she stared at her computer screen. The headache wasn't really because of Wooyoung, but to the business proposal that she has to finish before the day ends.

He groaned as he laid his back on the couch and childishly flapped his legs in the air. "Are you a bot or something? You always answer me with the same sentence." He sat straight and sent her a playful glare. "And you must forgot that I'm your assistant. You have nothing scheduled for tomorrow." He smirked, crossing his hands over his chest and tilted his chin up.

Soojin ignored him and kept typing on her keyboard. What she needs right now is to finish this task or else her father will be very disappointed in her for not even finishing her first ever proposal in time.

"Come on, it would be my treat this time. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on--"

She pursed her lips into a thin line and finally looked up at the older who was clearly not acting like his age. "But I'm actually going to be busy tomorrow, Woo."

"Ah, why?!" He whined, flapping his feet again.

She sighed heavily. Patience, Soojin. You don't have the right to be angry at him. Remember that. "It's not on my schedule because it's a personal matter." He pouted and showed him his puppy eyes as he clasped his palms together. Soojin groaned as she gave up. "Fine! You can come." She mumbled, rolling her eyes.

Wooyoung jumped in his seat and raised his fist in victory. "Of course I should! You might get lost. You haven't lived here for three years after all." He cheekily grinned as he clapped his hands like a little kid.

Soojin blankly stared at him. Did he forget that I grew up here or he's just making excuses to spend some time with me?


Soojin woke up with a scowl on her face the next day. Hero, her big-boned Labrador-retriever just disturbed her peaceful sleep by barking ever so loudly at seven in the morning. She then crawled out from her bed wearing her silk night gown and her messy bed hair that looked like a bird's nest from tying it up to a bun last night.

She stomped her way downstairs still half asleep and checked where the barking was coming from. "Hero! What's got you noisy so early in the morning, buddy?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes as she entered the kitchen.

Hero looked back panting, but quickly returned his attention at something on the counter while he continued to bark. Soojin stopped her tracks and gasped at the sight. It isn't something, it's someone.

"H-hi. Uh, Help me?" Wooyoung sheepishly muttered, scooting further to the wall on top of the counter to avoid getting bitten by the big dog.

Soojin hurriedly went to her pet's side and crouched down to hug him. "Hero doesn't bite. You can come down, he won't do anything to you."

Wooyoung slowly and reluctantly came down from the counter and waddled to the other side of the kitchen at a snail's pace. Hero struggled from Soojin's grasp and jumped at the older, making him scream as he falls. "Hero! Stop! Your saliva!" He exclaimed, half laughing, half disgusted at the drool that the puppy was licking him to his face.

Soojin smiled at the sight. She leaned her cheek over her palm as she stared at the two. "He knows you for sure. Hero tends to remember people even if he just met them once." For example, Choi Beomgyu. He only met the dog once for like two hours and after a year he still remembered him and welcomed him with licks and hugs.

After their soaking reunion, Soojin stood up and crossed her arms over her chest. She leaned at the counter and examined the older. "What are you doing here so early?"

He patted his pants and shirt. "I don't know what time you're supposed to leave for your plans for the day so I came here as soon as I woke up so you can't leave without me." He nonchalantly muttered while he fixed his hair.

Her brows quirked and glanced at the clock. It was only fifteen minutes past seven. "I'm not leaving until the afternoon. It's too early." Her stomach quietly grumbled. She was too busy finishing her proposal last night that she didn't even eat dinner.

"May I know what your plans are?"

"I'm looking for a new place to move in." She states, checking for food that she can eat for breakfast, but she quickly frowned as her fridge was empty except for bottles of water. "I don't like being in a big place like this all alone anymore. It's uncomfortable and lonely." She added, closing her fridge. I guess I have to order take outs. She thought, sighing. Her period was about to start in the next few days and she's craving for something sour and spicy.

"Where are you going?" Wooyoung asked when he saw her about to return upstairs.

"Getting my phone upstairs. I'm going to order food." She said, not even turning back at him. "I'm starving." She whispered, rubbing her stomach as she was about to take a step up.

"Oh, right. That's also why I'm here early in the morning," Soojin looked back when she heard rustling from behind. Wooyoung beamed, raising two paper bags from the counter. "I was craving for kimchi dishes today. You up for kimchi toast, eggs and pancakes?"

She gulped as she bit her lower lip. "Jung Wooyoung you--" She groaned. "I really can't runaway from you, can I?" She huffed, dropping her shoulders as she turned back towards the kitchen.

"Nope." He grinned, popping the p.



Two chapters ago it was only 3k. Now i have 4k. Seriously, thank you so much! You don't know how much this means to me T_T

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