Chapter 32

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"Dad? Why did you suddenly wanted to have dinner?" Soojin asked as soon as she entered her father's office, quite taken aback why Yeonjun was there with them too. "And why is he here?" She turned to her friend, Yeonjun, eyes narrowing in curiosity.

After spending the afternoon together, Soojin had to leave before six o'clock to do her daily exercise with her new found friend slash workout buddy Riko, who somehow has the same punctuality and diligence.

"Wow, really, you made it sound like I'm a stranger." Yeonjun chuckled in her direction. "Uncle invited me too since I'm visiting."

Ah, right. It's normal for their Dad to invite Yeonjun in their house when he's visiting, but why was she surprised? It's probably the fact that they had to meet at her Dad's office and that he called her even if he knew that she's in the gym. Her Dad usually don't disturb her when she's working out. That itself is strange.

"Sorry, I'm just surprised. We just met a few hours ago." She took a seat at the couch just behind her brother and Yeonjun who were across from her father. She took off her hair tie as she fanned her sweaty self using her shirt. "So, what's up?"

Her dad cleared his throat and awkwardly stared at nothing on his desk. "Sweetheart, I called you both today because I have a request." He started, turning to me and to Yeonjun with a sheepish smile. Then, he motioned to her brother with an eyeroll. "You Jay, I just called you because I know you won't stop whining if I don't invite you when Yeonjun's here. You're not really needed in this meeting."

"Okay? Damn. Stop attacking me, old man." Jay murmured, slouching back to his seat with a pout.

"Now onto the topic." He cleared his throat again and leaned his chin over his hands.

The kids turned their whole attention to Soojin's father across of them, making both a serious and nervous expression.

"You know I'm retiring soon, right?" He asked while the three of them nodded. His eyes stayed in Soojin while he continued. "And you want to take over the company if you're ready, right?"

"Yes?" She answered reluctantly as she quirked her brow. She tilted her head as she observed her father's suspicious expression. It was obvious that he's a little nervous but he still kept his straight face.

And what does he mean he's retiring soon? He still have like ten years if he wants to.

He inhaled and closed his eyes.


The sentence her father blurted out continued to ring on her ear. It repeated a lot of times as the room went silent for a few seconds before her father spoke again.


"What?" She instantly exclaimed with her brows furrowing in confusion. Her father was about to open his mouth so he raised her palm to stop him. "No, I understand what you said, Dad. But what? Why do I need to marry him?" She asked as she turned to face Yeonjun who was rather having the same expression as her—confused.

It seemed that he doesn't know a single thing about this, too. He didn't expect this to happen, but a glint of hope arose in his mind. He felt a little happy but still a bit confused and shocked. He shook off his selfish thoughts and focused back on the older man in front of him.

The youngest in the room, Jay, was even more horrified than the two. When he heard his father say that, he jerked up from his seat and stared at the people in front of him one by one. "Huh?!"

"Baby, I'm old." He sighed, massaging his temple as he ignored his son's explosion. "I need to retire soon."

"Dad, you're 49." She answered as she calmly crossed her arms over her chest. "You're not that old." She added, rolling her eyes as she scoffed playfully.

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