Chapter 33

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They say going home is happiness. It's medicinal, and it has healing powers. For her, home is a state of mind. It's true that her family mostly lives in the US, but she spends most of her time in Korea.

She learned a lot there. She had happy memories, found something that brought her joy, and met beautiful people who made her want to improve herself.

Although that was the case, she's reluctant to go home. Going back to Korea means there's a possibility that she'll meet Wooyoung. She for sure knows that it would make her happy to see him, but it would also mean that it might trigger her demons once again.

"Ready to go, Soojin?"

Soojin got off the trance as she took one last glance outside the Seattle Int. Airport before turning back at Yeonjun with a smile. "Yeah. Let's go home." She took a deep whiff before finally entering the gates to the airplane.

After almost fifteen hours of flight time from Seattle to South Korea, they finally arrived at Incheon, slightly nauseous from sitting and thinking about many things for hours.

As they patiently waited for their things in the baggage claim area, Yeonjun noticed how Soojin anxiously bit her nails, looking outside the terminal.

She's nervous. He thought to himself as he stared at her. He took her fingers from her mouth and gently squeezed her hand, telling her that it would be okay.

"Hey, what are you worried about?" He gently asked, looking into her eyes. "You okay?"

He knows that she's not okay. But what can he say?

"No. I'm not sure why I'm here, Jun. This is really not a good idea. Like I said to Dad, I would work at the Seattle branch, but he kept insisting that I work here—in South Korea. This is not good. Not for me." She rambled anxiously as she avoided his eyes.

"Yah, I thought you were ready to go home? Why are you chickening out when we're finally here?" He chuckled to ease her worries. "Everything is going to be okay, Jin." He added, beaming.

"I think I'll fuck it up again, Yeonjun." Soojin finally looked at him in the eyes, but her pair were somehow glassy and indecisive. "And if I did, I'd go crazier than last time." She muttered with uneasy breathing.

The moment they stepped out the airplane, her thoughts clouded with negative ones. Soojin was getting cold feet. She wanted to turn around and get a flight back to Seattle. She thought that she doesn't belong here anymore. Other than working at the company. there's no place for her here.

"You won't." He assured her, making her sigh in return. Yeonjun tightened his grip on her hand and smiled at her. "You're better now. Nothing's going to happen, okay?"

She could only stare and purse her lips into a thin line. Would it really be okay? She thought to herself.

"There's our bags. Let's go."



"Stop. Don't do it!" She exclaimed, raising her hand as she slowly backed away. "Sungjae... don't."

"Soojin-ah!" She groaned as she rolled her eyes the moment Sungjae jumped to hug her and wept on her shoulders. "You don't know how lonely I was without you! I didn't know how to function without anyone bossing me around!" Yeonjun chuckled at this, shaking his head at Sungjae's unintentional insult.

"Nice to see you too, Sungjae." She pursed her lips as she forcefully pushed him from his tight grasp, but she failed. "Ugh, get off. You're getting your snot on my shoulders." She added, wriggling away from him.

He pulled away, chuckling as he wiped his nose and cheeks. "I'm sorry. I just missed you."

"Let Hyung hug you. I know how miserable he was when you left." Yeonjun commented as he dropped their bags on the couch. He chuckled as he glanced at the two and shook his head. "Well?"

Sungjae stared at her with his puppy eyes and mouth squirming. He really missed the younger. He partially blamed himself for sending Soojin to the states because he didn't have the time to take care of her three years ago since he was hyper-focusing on the company.

Soojin rolled her eyes and stopped struggling. "Fine," She started and opened her arms lazily. "You have thirty seconds."

Sungjae's eyes lit up, and he jumped to hug her again—this time, it was tighter, and he buried his face in her neck while his tears started to fall again.

A slight smile crept onto Soojin's mouth as she returned his squeeze. She started patting his back which made the older wail louder than before.

She missed him too. Even though Sungjae called to check up on her every time when he had a chance back when she was still in the US, it still different when she finally felt the warm hug that came from Sungjae. He's her big brother by heart, after all.

After Sungjae composed himself, Soojin leaned back on her couch and looked around her apartment. "Everything looks the same." She muttered, smiling softly at the interior of her pad. "This is nice."

"I never changed anything in your place. I still assumed that you'll be coming back." The older said as he flopped down on the couch beside her.

She beamed as she nodded, gazing gently at him. "Thanks, Sungjae-yah. For everything." Sungjae looked back at her and started tearing up again as he leaned to hug her, so she groaned and playfully pushed him away.

"So, Jin-ah, unfortunately, I have to leave soon. It's getting late." Yeonjun stated as he checked the time on his watch. It was already ten in the evening. "Take a rest; you need it after traveling for half a day."

"Do you want to eat dinner?" Sungjae asked, sniffling and wiping his tears. "You must be hungry."

She smiled and shook her head in retort. "I don't have an appetite. I just want to sleep for now."

"Alright." He sighed, then turned to Yeonjun. "Then wait for me, Jun-ah. I want to make sure everything is good before leaving. I'll drive you to your house."



A short boring chapter~ But I uploaded early!

(The end is near, question mark?)

Don't worry. The next chapter would suffice.

maybe? eheheh ;)

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