Chapter 35

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The rest of the night was a blur. Soojin couldn't sleep a wink thinking about a lot of things. From the joy she felt to the anxiety that she was feeling and the until to the disaster that was going to happen.

She pondered on her couch for hours until she noticed the sun started to rise in front of her. She took a glance at her appearance in the mirror on her left side and saw the dark circles and chapped lips getting more and more evident on her exterior as time went by.

The moment she could feel the heat on her skin from the window, she took off and went to Yeonjun's house without even changing her outfit from yesterday. She still reeked of alcohol, and her mind was still hazy. She needed someone to talk to. Even though it was a bit insensitive of her to talk about it, she didn't really have a choice since Yeonjun's her only friend.

She didn't even bother knocking on the door of his room and went straight to sit beside Yeonjun's sleeping body. He was sprawled over his bed, and his tummy was showing with his mouth parted slightly.

As soon as her weight settled in, Yeonjun stirred and instantly opened his eyes as he felt her presence. He swiftly sat up with a confused and shocked expression, but it softened as soon as he noticed Soojin's disorganized state. She was fiddling with her fingers while biting her lips.

He adjusted his body and leaned on the headboard beside her as his eyes never left hers. He looked at the clock and saw that it was just a quarter past six in the morning.

I guess it's that bad, huh? Yeonjun thought.

"I... I met Wooyoung yesterday." She started; her voice sounded hoarse, and Yeonjun barely even heard it. Her mouth started quivering, and her tears were ready to fall in a split second. "I...I'm sorry if I woke you. I just don't want to be alo—"

"I know."

She quickly looked up at him, surprised. "What?"

"He called me multiple times at two o'clock in the morning after you ran away from him." He chuckled dryly, turning his head to the front, looking at nothing in particular. "Why'd you do that?"

It was an asshole move, what Soojin did. After Wooyoung confessed that he missed her and when he attempted to give her a hug, she quickly backed away and ran—leaving the older stunned and hurt.

"I don't know. Maybe I'm just scared. It's for the better anyway." She whispered, looking away. "I can't get close to him again. I'll only hurt him. I'm mentally ill, and I don't want to be a burden to him. I just want to protect him."

He flicked her forehead, which made her scowl. "Soojin. You're a smart woman. Why are you being dumb all of a sudden?"

She bit her lower lip as she rubbed her forehead.

If she were the same woman two years ago, she would take the risk. She wouldn't care. However, being in rehab made her realize things that she needs to be mature and that she needs to get rid of her self-centered personality for the sake of the people around her.

"Wooyoung's not a child. If he chooses to be with you, If he wants you, and whatever happens in the future, it's not your fault. He's old enough to know what he's getting into. He doesn't need protection."


"No buts. I don't know when you'll be meeting again but don't run away from him." Soojin looked down on the ground and fiddled with her fingers. "Well, if you do, I doubt that he'd give up. I've known him for years, and he's as stubborn as you are. Even further, he's more chaotic and persistent. Talk to him. It will be okay."

She turned to her friend, who was giving her a reassuring smile. She paused as he stared into his eyes. "I don't know..." She faltered, still in doubt.

"I'm one hundred percent sure." He seriously states while placing his hand on her shoulders. "Now lay down and sleep because you look like you've been awake since 2004."


Tuesday came. Soojin spent her first day of work yesterday sitting at her desk at most, watching Netflix shows or Youtube videos. When she felt bored, she would go outside and get to know the other employees to build rapport with them.

It was only ten minutes after she arrived at her office, and she felt a little sluggish because she hadn't had her morning coffee yet. She opened up her phone and went through the delivery app to find an excellent cafe to place an order.

She looked up from her screen when she heard a soft knock on her door. "Come in."

Her Father's head peeked in, giving her a goofy smile as he waved. "Hi, sweetheart. How was your first day at work yesterday?" He asked as he went further into the room.

"Dad? I thought you'd be coming tomorrow?" She smiled as she stood up from her seat and gave him a hug. "And it was boring, but I'm doing fine. Hopefully, I finally can get work started today."

Her Dad nodded and followed her to sit down on the couch beside her. "I was at the Choi's residence." He started while Soojin bobbed her head in retort. "We had a meeting about the merge, and we decided just to continue being partners since it's not going to happen anymore." He sighed. "Added the fact that Mr. Yook is not feeling well, I'm probably going to take Sungjae away from you for a few months."

She only gave him an apologetic smile in retort. To be honest, if she weren't thinking about another man, she would consider Yeonjun. Surely, she'll fall in love with him if they get married. Right?

However, she feels a little bit of guilt. Even just considering and thinking about this makes her feel guilty. It felt like an idea to take advantage of her friend's feelings for her.

"You look like you want to shit yourself, sweetheart. Stop making that face."

She chuckled, returning back to reality. "Are you seriously my father and a CEO of a company?" She stared at her playfully. "Because you don't act like you are."

He giggled and gave her a side-hug. This is why she's a daddy's girl. Even though she got her looks from her mother, she was very serious and uptight, while her father was mischievous and playful. Same as hers before the kidnapping incident.

"That's why I hired another assistant for you." He glanced at the door and turned back to his daughter. "I met someone interesting at the Choi's house. The kid is competent and willful."

"Who is it?" She asked as she unlocked her phone, not interested in the topic. She felt a little discouraging knowing that Sungjae was not going to be her assistant for a few months, but she understood that it was needed. It's because of her decision not to accept the deal of the merge, after all. "I hope he's not as annoying as Sungjae, Dad." She joked.

"Don't worry. You will love him. You may come in!" He smiled knowingly as he called. A person wearing a black and white suit with three cups of coffee in his hand entered the room. His black hair was neatly parted over his forehead, eyes almost disappearing while revealing his crooked tooth—huh?

"Meet Jung Wooyoung. Your personal assistant."



3k+ reads. I'm tearing up 🥹 Thank you so much!

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