Chapter 12

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She grimaced at the aftertaste. She shook her head once she felt the heat on her stomach and a bit of pain on her temples. "Woah."

"Why the hell would you oneshot that?" His eyes remained wide as he stared at his sister, shocked. "It's fucking Tequila, Soojin!" He yelled at her and stared at his empty cup. What was she thinking? She doesn't like tequila. She doesn't even drink except for wine and a bit of vodka.

Was she drunk already? She randomly blurted out about a fennec fox to catch or something.

"Ah? No wonder."

"Ah? No wonder?" He repeated incredulously. "That was like almost three shot glasses!"

She shrugged at him and walked in the direction of Wooyoung. She couldn't care less if she drank it a bit. It wouldn't really affect her that much anyway. She just hated how bitter it was.

As soon as she arrived beside him, she leaned on the pool table as she felt dizzy a little bit. "Hey, Woo." She cooes as she gives him a soft smile with her eyes half-closed after smelling his cologne.

He scoffed and turned away. "Go away." He grunted, rolling his eyes on the girl. What does she need now? He asked himself.

"Really? I thought you wanted me to come to you." She whispered and smirked once she stepped a little closer to his ears.

He scooched back a bit when he felt her breath on his neck that made him tilt his head. "When did I say that?" He scowled.

"A few minutes ago, when I noticed you glaring at me." She casually answered, shrugging her shoulders.

He scoffed at her reply. "That doesn't mean I want you here with me." He muttered, rolling his eyes at her. "Can you just go back to the guy you're flirting with before?" He asked as he bobbed his head towards the direction where Soojin came from.

The two boys met each other's eyes and peered at one another. He winked at him and smiled cheekily, which then he realized he looked familiar.

"Who?" She asked as she turned around and spotted his brother raising a glass to her. She pursed her lips and looked back at Wooyoung. "You mean my brother?"

"Ha?" His head swiftly snapped back at her. Was he her brother? No wonder. Their eyes were different, but their smiles were identical.

"That's Jay. My younger brother. He just got back from the states." She chuckled and waved in Jay and Yeonjun's direction.

He narrowed his eyes and acted like he was looking for something. "What are you doing?" She asked, confused.

He looked back dead straight into her eyes and said, "I'm looking for someone who asked."

She laughed aloud as soon as the music stopped to change to another one who made other guests turn their heads in their direction.

Oh, how she loved the savageness of this man.

People were starstruck at her visual. They have never seen her laugh like that. Even her brother dropped his jaw when he heard her. Yeonjun just stared at her lovingly as he enjoyed seeing her expression like that. She looked so stunning.

It's like her eyes disappeared from her face, looking like a half-moon while showing off her dimples and white pearls.

He walked past her and decided to go out for fresh air as he was slightly embarrassed at what he had said earlier. He regretted mentioning it a little too. He doesn't even know why he said it in the first place.

It might sound like I was jealous.

He didn't know it was her brother. They don't really look alike, and they were smiling and teasing each other, so he could easily confuse them as two people flirting.

He felt her following him, but it didn't really mind him that much as he didn't tell her to go away.

On their way outside the house, Wooyoung greeted a couple of people with a big smile on his face, which made Soojin wonder.

"Why do you act so different towards me?"She asked, looking back at the people inside. "You look and sound so friendly to others while you're mean to me." She added.

He scoffed. "Different? My attitude towards you is still my personality." He spits out with a scowl. "First impression lasts, and our first meeting wasn't really that pleasant." He added, rolling his eyes, remembering the girl's nonsense before.

"What did I do?" She raised her brow in confusion and crossed her arms over her chest. She couldn't remember what was unpleasant in that meeting. In her opinion, it was pretty life-changing.

"Why did you tell me you loved me the first time you saw me?" He asked her, and then she only smiled in return. He poked his inside cheek with his tongue and glared at her. "Are you planning something? If so, better not pursue it. I'll ruin you." He threats.

"But it's true." She couldn't stop smiling as he just had that kind of effect on her. Every time he talked to him, she just couldn't help but feel happy and giggly. "You're so beautiful." She let out as she clung to his arm and laid her head on his shoulders.

She's tipsy, alright.

"You shouldn't try playing games with me, Park." He breathes as his eyes darken, grabbing her wrist from his arm. "I'm not a player."

If she was being honest, she wasn't sure she was really in love with him at first. She wasn't sure because she didn't actually know what love was.

Her doctor said it was still early to say that it was love. Saying that someone is beautiful doesn't really mean that way, and she doesn't even think about him twenty-four seven. You can say that she likes him, but love? Probably not there yet.


Every time they spent together made her more interested in him. Learning something new about him made her desire grow.

She loves that he pushes her away but still shows kindness at times. She loves that he is so mysterious that she can't even read his mind or his next move.

He took a step forward, their lips almost brushing against each other. His eyes looked straight into hers as her knees weakened by the tension he created.

Soojin's breath hitched, then a smirk grew on her face after Wooyoung added something before he walked back inside the house. It's as if those last words he said lit her soul and heart on fire.

"I'm the coach."



Short chapter as this was only a filler! Double update today since I'm currently having internet issues at home. I hope you enjoyed it. TBH, I can't wait for the angst. I want to reveal everything, but I know we still have a long way to go as the story just started! Thank you again for reading this.

Votes and comments are really appreciated!

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