Chapter 28

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Sungjae brought Wooyoung to the Park's main residence as he was pushing the older to check up on Soojin, even just for a few minutes. Sungjae wasn't really against it but was just worried for him about what he was about to get into.

The moment they arrived at the mansion, Sungjae took off for a bit to check something in the yard, leaving him with the boy he knew as Soojin's younger brother.

Jay was staring at the older smirking from time to time as if he was monologuing with himself in his head.

Wooyoung was never the type to get intimidated by people younger than him. If anything, he'd get more confident around them and establish dominance.

He's even the complete opposite of his sister, Hwayoung, who was quite timid and introverted to the point she's afraid of meeting new people as it makes her anxious.

However, the cheeky stares Wooyoung's been getting from the younger male made him feel small and nervous, that he just wanted to bury himself right this instant.

He cleared his throat as he side-eyed the younger.

He smirked in return. "So you must be my sister's boyfriend? Wooyoung, was it?" He inquired, leaning on the kitchen counter while a can of energy drink was in his hand.

Wooyoung stood straight and slightly bowed to greet the boy who asked, giving him an awkward smile in the process. "Ah, she's not my girlfriend, but yes, I'm Wooyoung. Nice to meet you." He replied.

He placed the can on the counter and walked toward Wooyoung, shoving both of his hands into his pockets. "I'm Park Jongseong, but call me Jay." He cooly replied, then tilted his head swiftly. "Come with me; I'll bring you to her room."

Wooyoung gripped the strap of his backpack and followed the younger as they climbed up the house's grand double staircase. He was so careful with every step he took as he was afraid of breaking or just even touching a single thing in this house.

The Park's residence was ginormous. It was bigger than her mother's house or Yeonjun's, and it looked like a modern neoclassical mansion that was mainly painted in white and light yellow.

The style exudes wealth and prestige from the majestic size of the interior, dramatic columns, and the use of simple geometric shapes.

Wooyoung felt out of place. He never imagined himself roaming around in these types of homes—the insecurity he has had resurfaced.

Negative thoughts were entering his mind again, making him doubt whether he was actually worth it for the girl he liked.

Stop it, Woo. This is not helping. He sighed.

His train of thoughts stopped abruptly when they arrived at a wide hallway full of expensive art and framed family photos. His mouth slightly dropped at how luxurious the area was, just for a simple hallway.

This section alone is probably more expensive than our whole apartment. He thought.

Jay stopped his tracks at the end of the hallway and tilted his head on the leather-coated double door. "She's inside. This is our parents' room, but she's currently staying here since it's the biggest in the house."

Wooyoung furrowed his brows in confusion. Okay, so? but nodded anyways at the younger. "Thank you."

"You already know why right? I mean, correct me if I'm wrong. I thought Sungjae Hyung already told you about her condition, or at least she told you about it." He retorted, raising his right brow.

Wooyoung's mouth formed an 'o' as he realized what he meant. "Oh yeah, that. I know. Thanks again."

He slightly smiled and nodded. "Well, I'm off. I don't want to see you guys all lovey-dovey." He added, scrunching his nose in disgust before he walked away. "I'll be downstairs if you need me!" He exclaimed before disappearing in Wooyoung's sight.

He gulped as he stared at the door in front of him. What should I say? 'Hey Park, I know everything now, so you good now?' He humorlessly chuckled at himself before remembering something.

"Before you go, I have to tell you something."

Wooyoung looked up at Sungjae as he furrowed his brows. There's more? He asked himself.

"Her doctor said that her panic attack triggered her trauma." He paused, staring at the younger's eyes. "She's not... She's not her usual self right now. "

"What do you mean? Is she okay?" He said, leaning forward to the older, generally curious and worried at how Soojin's state was becoming more and more complicated.

"She is, don't worry. I just thought I needed to warn you in case you get shocked." Sungjae retorted, catching the back of his head while his voice faltered. "...She's too sensitive right now."

"Huh? What do you mean?" He questioned as curiosity washed over him.

"You'll see."

He shook his head after he finished the flashback of the conversation he had with Sungjae outside of the mansion earlier. He gathered all his patience and sympathy and took a deep breath.

Wooyoung stepped forward at the leather-covered door and raised his hand to knock. Here goes nothing.

"Park?" He called, knocking at the wooden part of the door. "It's Wooyoung."

He slowly pushed the door open and found the girl sitting on the bed, looking lifeless as she stared at her hands.

"Park?" He called again, finally getting the attention of Soojin. "Hey."

"Wooyoungie?" Her eyes glistened as she beamed, jumping off the bed and running towards him. Crazy how fast her face changed as soon as she saw him. "I missed you!" She exclaimed in enthusiasm before he jumped on him.

"Uhhow are you? Are you okay?" He softly asked, bringing his hand on her firm grasp around his neck.

"Of course, silly! Why wouldn't I be?" She pulled away as she innocently tilted her head—still with an overly excited demeanor. "So, have you eaten dinner yet?"

What's this?

"Ah, no." He quietly replied, taking her hands off of him slowly. He then stared at her, closely observing her movement and expression.

She's acting weird. Wooyoung thought to himself. This is the first time he's seen her too energetic, too intense.

"Let's cook dinner, then!"

Normally, Soojin wears her iconic blank look most of the time, but she shoots small smiles here and there whenever she and Wooyoung are together. However, her smile right now looked a little unfamiliar to him, that it was almost creepy.

"Wooyoung!" He flinched and came back to his senses as he heard how loud her voice was. He looked up at her and made the most horrifying expression he's seen her. "Are you seriously ignoring me right now?!" She asked, her hands forming into a fist.

His eyes went wide as he shook his head repeatedly. "What? No, I—"

Her expression instantly brightened as if she wasn't frightening just a second ago. "I'll call the chef to cook for us then!" She retorted, skipping back towards her bed to get her phone on the bedside table.

Wooyoung looked down at his feet while his brows creased. Is this what Sungjae was warning me about?



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