Chapter 37

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A couple hours later after Mr. Park left, Sungjae visited Soojin for the last time before he gets transferred as her father's assistant officially. He was briefing the younger on what she's supposed to do and left her a couple of his own unfinished tasks as the past CTO.

"You will help set up the corporate strategy and fuel technological infrastructure, analyze target markets, and create business models." Sungjae states as he flipped another page from the stack of papers that he was holding. "And lastly also look at how to further implement new technologies within the company."

Soojin internally screamed as she forced a smile at the older. "Okay. I understand... I think." She muttered with uncertainty in her voice.

She checked her notes that she wrote and groaned on how much things she's supposed to do as she never expected to have these kinds of responsibilities before accepting the job. She thought that she only have to approve and sign things not coming up with strategies and ideas.

"Don't worry. I made your lovely assistant here read all of these as soon as your father told me he'd be your assistant." He winked as ha placed his hand on Wooyoung's shoulder.

"As if he would." She murmured as she examined the papers in front of her. There's more than fifteen pages in the stack and knowing Wooyoung, he probably would've read like two pages and got bored.

"I did!" Wooyoung retorted beside Sungjae with a pout.

She glanced at him with a bored look and shifted her gaze at Sungjae as she cleared her throat. Wooyoung, please. "Are you really leaving me for a month?"

"A month and half," He corrected. Soojin groaned and leaned back on her chair as she spun around. "You'll be fine. You're smart and a fast learner. You'll get used to it."

She sighed and turned back around. The timing wasn't good. What's worse than her experienced assistant leaving her just on her third day at work? Leaving her with a person she badly wants to avoid. 

Soojin is already paying the price from her impulsive acts by staying away from Wooyoung. However, it seems like fate and destiny is playing with her. The moment she saw Seonghwa appeared on her office door last week, she knew that she's bound to meet Wooyoung. 

"Give me a call when you need something or have any questions. I have to go." Soojin lightened up and grinned. "Only important ones, okay?" Sungjae added which she nodded repeatedly.

Sungjae ruffled her hair before he went out of the room. 

"Why are you still here? Do you need something?"

"It's lunch time." He stated, beaming. 

Soojin raised her brow, glanced at her watch and slowly nodded. "So?"

"Aren't you going to eat?"

She looked away and turned her attention to the papers in front of her. "I don't have time to go out or wait for the food to get served. I have a lot of things to review." She states, then heard Wooyoung whimpered. She sighed and glanced at him. "If you're hungry you can go."

"Good thing I came prepared." He smirked and ran outside the office. He came back with a four-layer Korean lunch box a few minutes later and sat on the couch. He started to prepare it on the coffee table as Soojin walked towards him in curiosity.

The male looked up and grinned. "I brought lunch, I know you miss these." He said, showing Soojin her favorite dishes that she used to request to Wooyoung before.

Her jaw slightly dropped at the food in front of her. She could smell the variety of flavors in each box. She shook her head and cleared her throat. "I'm not hungry." She said, averting her eyes on the table.

"So, you don't want kimchi stew, then" Wooyoung asked. Soojin's eyes widened as she unconsciously licked her lower lip and gulped. Wooyoung chuckled and gave her a spoon. "Try it." He said, motioning her to eat.

Soojin excitedly sat beside him scooped a spoonful of soup and tasted it. The moment she savored the familiar taste, she moaned and close her eyes. She missed this. She missed the best kimchi stew she ever tasted. 

She could never be satisfied cooked by other people after leaving Korea. She went to multiple restaurants, but Wooyoung's cooking was the best. It's probably biased, but she really prefers his dishes.

"You like it?" He asked which she nodded. "My cooking has improved huh?" He beamed as he observed her enjoying his food. As I thought, Park Soojin is the only one who reacts to my cooking like this―like it's the best food ever.

"I missed you, Park." He suddenly blurts out.

Her eyes widened and choked on her food. Wooyoung worriedly rubbed and tapped her back as she struggled to breathe for a bit. By the time she composed herself, she wiped her mouth and took a quick glance at him. "It's inappropriate to say things like that to your boss, Mr. Jung." She states, 

"I don't think it's working hours." He cheekily replied as he leaned his jaw with his hand above his knee. "I've been Park Soojin-deprived for three years, I can't stop myself anymore. So again, I missed you, Park. Say it back."



Short update! I'm sick sorry D:

Not proofread.

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