Mismatched Compatibility (2)

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Almost an hour passed quietly and peacefully. We made it to Newark Airport without any more banter, and I was starting to feel rather excited to see my old friends.

It had been quite a long time since I’ve seen them last. After all, I didn’t come home last Christmas to enjoy my last months of being a student in Georgetown. Man, I was going to miss that place. And I would undoubtedly miss being an undergrad.

After I got my luggage in the claiming area, I noticed ‘Howard’ following me.

I smirked, turning to her. But before I could speak, she cut me off.

“Stop following me,” she said, in a voice that clearly indicated I was some sort of creep weirdo stalker.

My mouth literally dropped open.

This girl is really a piece of work, I thought.

I quickly shook my head and composed my expression.

“In your dreams, Howard,” I told her, smirking.

“You wish.”

“I don’t wish, babe,” I informed her. “I do,” I added suggestively.

“Ugh, you’re repulsive.” She grimaced, turning her nose up.

“Are you trying to prolong our conversation so that you can spend more time with me?” I asked curiously. “All you have to do is ask, babe.”

She scoffed. “Are you always this conceited?”

“Are you always this uptight?” I countered, imitating her tone of voice.

“This is getting nowhere,” she said, putting her free hand up in forfeit. She looked at me straight in the eye before turning to walk away. Then, she looked over her shoulder and added, “Have a nice life, pervert.”

I shook my head as I let out a breath. This wasn’t a good way to start the summer. Why the hell did I have to meet that uptight girl that looked as if she hadn’t gotten laid in years? She was probably a virgin with the way she acted.

One way to describe her, and that was: Chaotic. The only good thing about her was her looks and killer body. Other than that, I wouldn’t want that kind of hassle following me around.

I started walking again, running a hand through my hair in slight relief. I was glad that my time with her was finished. She was seriously getting on my nerves. She was even worse than Dakota Evans, if that was possible.

Ah, she’s like Annabelle and Dakota mixed together.

I chuckled. Definitely not the kind I’d go for.

When my eyes looked to my front, I realized that I was about to run into someone. I abruptly stopped, balancing myself from the sudden halt. I stepped beside the person to see who it was and – holy shiz! It was her!

I groaned. What now?

My burrows furrowed, noticing that she still hadn’t moved from where she was. She looked as though she was frozen on the spot, her eyes staring into space.

All of a sudden, she faced me. She rapidly placed her warm hands on either side of my face, pulling my face down to hers. Without waiting for me to protest, she put her lips on mine.

What. The. Fck?

I blinked there for a couple of seconds, still startled at the sudden turn of events. It took another few moments for me to become aware of her soft lips curving into mine.

Mismatched Compatibility (A and D Spin-Off)Where stories live. Discover now