God's Disciple {Chapter 15}

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Warnings: emotional distress I guess? Mention of death, funeral scene

Word count: 3173


I was at a funeral for a man I met once. My dad is there to support Karen and I tagged along. When Foggy heard my dad was attending, he refused to show up, which isn't considerate of Karen.

The grave of Ben Urich, an old man who worked at the New York Bulletin. I don't read the news but I've heard he was a good reporter. And he tried to help us with the Fisk case.

Father Paul Lantom conducts the ceremony as the casket is being lowered into the ground. I hear Karen sob and my dad puts his arm around her in comfort. This is my first funeral so I'm unsure of how to react.

They bury him and it's over.

"Give me a minute, okay?" Karen says to my dad and walks up to a woman in a wheel chair who I think was Ben's wife.

Father Lantom slowly strides our way, flashing me a comforting smile.

"And how are you, Rylanne?" he asks.

"Good," I tell him.

"That's good," he turns to my dad, "How you holding up?"

"Like a good Catholic boy," he replies.

"That bad, huh?"

"He was a good man. And he's gone because I haven't stopped what's happening to this city,"

"Can't put that on yourself, Matthew. You've done everything you can. A lot you probably shouldn't have,"

"And here we are,"

Father Lantom nods and excuses himself as Karen comes back.

Once we enter Nelson and Murdock, Karen slams her bag down on her desk in an anger that coincides with her grief.

"He just stood there, like he was his friend. Like he had nothing to do with what happened," Karen sighed.

My dad responds with, "I thought Ben said he didn't have any evidence Ellison was taking money from Fisk."

"No, but it makes sense. I mean, it explains Do you know what makes this worse? Foggy. Didn't even show up,"

"You said he left a message,"

"Yeah, he left a message saying he had something more important to do than come to Ben's funeral,"

"Come on, he wouldn't say that,"

"Yeah, well, it's what he meant,"

"It's my fault, Karen. All of this with Foggy,"

He's... he's not wrong. I don't want to admit it but my dad is pushing people away.

"No, everyone shares the blame in a relationship. That's just the way that it work,"

"No, not always," I hear the strain in his voice as he puts a hand on my shoulder,  "Why don't you go home, get some rest, Karen?"

"I can't. Every time I close my eyes, I see - What if he finds out that I - That I was with Ben at Saint Benezet. What if he finds out that I spoke to his mother too?"

"If that happens, we will deal with it,"

"How? I mean, the news barely mentioned what happened to Ben because Fisk pays off the media. And the police haven't arrested anyone for it because Fisk pays them off, too. Foggy was right. How do you stop someone like that, someone who has so much?"

"It just means he has more to lose," I tell her. She smiles in a 'thank you but that didn't really help' way.

"He's gonna find out what I did,"

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