Them Murdocks Got the Devil in 'Em {Chapter 4}

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Warnings: from Matt's pov, emotional distress, mention of blood, mention of injury

Word count: 875


"I'm gonna make this easy, Detectives. Get the ADA in here to release Miss Page and we'll recommend to our charming, media-friendly client that she not plaster the airwaves with how she was nearly killed in your custody," I said.

"And I'll agree not to make cooing noises for the rest of this meeting when I think of the civil suit that we have on our hands," Foggy said in a serious voice that means he's making jokes again.

"How do you know they're not charging her?" Detective Blake asked as he fiddled with his tie nervously. The rustling of the fabric against skin is magnified.

"Besides the fact that you were required to do so four hours ago if you were gonna do it at all?" I say and Detective Blake clears his throat.

"That's an excellent question. Along with how the security cameras on Miss Page's detention area went on the fritz right before the assault," said Foggy.

"Yeah, we'd like to speak to Mr. Farnum about that, as well as what-"

Detective Hoffman interrupts me, "Get in line. He'll be arraigned in the morning." His voice wavers as if he was nervous.

"Get my client released. Don't make me ask again," I half-threaten.

Detective Hoffman whispers to Blake about releasing Karen.

Then I hear him turn to me, "I'll call the ADA. But you take that tone with me again, I don't care if you're blind, I'll kick the shit out of you."


"Really? We're going there?" Foggy asks. Then they leave the room so it's just Foggy, Rylanne, and me.

And my poor daughter is quieter than usual. I can tell she's desperately trying to not stim, no matter how it might bother her... I don't want her to deal with that.

Foggy scoffs, "Well that was pleasant."

"It doesn't make any sense. ADA had everything they needed. Unless they had too much," I ponder.

"What? What am I missing?"

"Maybe someone else was in her apartment that night. Maybe they have evidence,"

"That's Brady material. They'd have to turn that over,"

"Only if she were charged. She hangs herself in her cell, this all goes away..."

Foggy exhales sharply, I can hear his shoulders tensing up at the idea of police interference with a case.

"Let's get her some clothes and get the hell out of here,"

I nod and hold out my hand to Rylanne who reluctantly takes it. I just want to hug her until everything is alright. I could practically hear the wheels turning in her head all day... she's thinking and I'll let her do that.

Her breathing is ragged, I can tell that she doesn't want to believe what she had stumbled upon last night. She wasn't even listening when we were negotiating Karen's release. But Foggy didn't notice that she was acting strange.

Her soft hands tremble in my rough, calloused ones. She still has blood under her fingernails that she couldn't wash out. I rub her thumb with my index finger to try and calm her and I hear her breathing slow down a bit.

We walk and find Karen who's understandably scared. We take her with us in a taxi back to the office and let her have a change of clothes so she wasn't in something covered in blood.

"Couldn't find any milk. I hope it's okay," Foggy said, handing a cup of herbal tea to Karen. Rylanne is sitting in the corner with her knees tucked into her chest.

"We have tea now?" I asked.

"I stole it from the financial office next door," I could hear him grin widely and his chest puffed out. He was proud of this feat. Foggy...

I sigh and turn to Karen, "How are you holding up?"

"Better. Thanks for getting me out," she says with a shaky voice drowned by the smell of herbs I can't decipher.

"Don't thank us yet. Just because they released you doesn't mean they won't eventually bring charges," Foggy says.

"Which means it's crucial you don't speak to anyone other than the two of us about what happened," I added.

"I don't have anyone to talk to, anyway," she points out and we begin interrogating her more.


"Rylanne," I call out to my daughter and hear her head turning towards my direction. She sounds tired and I blame myself. We're taking Karen back to our apartment where she can stay. I trust that I can protect both Karen and my daughter if something goes wrong.

Karen smiles sympathetically at her and she inches closer to me, grabbing her stuff and putting her glasses back on.

After a wave goodbye to Foggy, she takes my hand and we head to a taxi.

"The trip isn't too far," I tell Karen and I hear Rylanne sigh.

"That's good," Karen nods, barely listening, wary of the taxi driver who only wants to go home.

Rylanne looks out the window and it starts to rain. I hear her shudder at the sound of the thunder and I grab her hand to calm her. She takes a deep breath.

She knows that a fear of thunderstorms is nothing when she's with her dad.

At least that's what she tells me.

And then we arrive.

"It's not much, but then again, I can't see, so..." I tell Karen and she nods.

And I hear Rylanne go to her room where she proceeds to break down and cry silently. I suddenly feel awful...


A/N: Writing this made me feel bad for making Matt feel bad! That's my dad! He shouldn't feel bad! Ahhhhh! 

Anyways, sorry for taking a couple days off of Wattpad but I needed it! I promise we'll get back to my regularly scheduled programming soon!

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