I Love Your Demons {Chapter 13}

416 14 14

Warnings: angst, blood, injury, emotional distress, yelling, argument

Word count: 1071


I hear my father enter the apartment and I go out to meet him. He's really bloody and... half dead.

Trying not to scream and panic, I hurry to get the first aid kit.

Blood is everywhere as I try and help him, but to be honest, I don't know what I'm doing.

I hear someone come through the roof access and I hide. Maybe it's a bad guy who followed my dad.

"Matt! Come on, Matt. I need to talk to you, Matt," I hear a voice say. "We need to keep going, Matt. We gotta nail that bastard to the wall. We gotta make him pay for Elena for everything!"

Foggy... shit. I quickly slip out of my hiding place to meet him, trying to stop him from seeing his passed out best friend dressed up as the Devil of Hell's Kitchen.

"Rylanne, I heard a crash. Are you two okay?" he asked, concerned and craning his neck to try to see past me. I block his path, trying not to let him through.

"Yup. All good. You can go now," I say.

"Where's Matt, hon?" he furrowed his brows.

Trying not to panic, I think of a lie, "He fell out of bed when he was sleeping. He's fine. Woke me up, but he's fine."

"Then why doesn't he come out to see his bestest friend?" he grins.

"Bestest isn't a word and you need to go," I say.

"Okay, now I'm getting worried," he says, pushing me out of the way. I can feel a pang in my chest as he spots my dad in a pool of his own blood.

"Back away, Rylanne. I'm going to protect you. What did you do with Matt, you freak!" he demanded. He pulls out his phone, ready to dial, but he doesn't. He puts it away and pulls off the black mask.



After quite a scare of him almost dying, we called Claire and she saved the days. Forget the Avengers, she's a real hero.

I tiredly wait in constant fear he might die despite the amazing Claire. I didn't cry the whole time, to show Foggy that I'm brave, and maybe to show to myself that I'm brave as well.

I explained that he was indeed the Devil of Hell's Kitchen to my uncle, who was obviously pissed at him.

"You can stay with me if you want," he offers. I shake my head, knowing full well that I won't be able to sleep not knowing if my father is okay or not.

Foggy told me to go to sleep but I knew I wouldn't be able to.

I just laid on my bed, facing the brick wall in front of my, trying my very hardest to hold back the tears.

I'm alright I tell myself. 

But I'm only eleven. And eleven year olds cry. Especially autistic ones who are super emotional ALL THE TIME.


Next thing I know, it's morning and Foggy had left. 

My dad greeted me good morning but I didn't say anything. He was so badly beat up, I'm sure he isn't going to work today.

I leave for school without saying goodbye.

What's wrong with me? Giving him the silent treatment isn't like me.

Maybe I'm just tired of it.

I head to the firm after school to see if my dad went to work today. He did not. Foggy said it would be okay if I just stayed here instead of going home. I took him up on that offer because I didn't want to see my dad just yet.

I finished my homework and played on my phone for a bit and next thing I know, it was 9 pm. Foggy took me too Josie's. The owner doesn't care if I'm there. 

She hands me a glass of root beer.

"You're representing me if the cops catch the kid here, right Nelson?" Josie asked.

"Maybe then we'll settle our tab," Foggy responded. Josie just scoffed and rolled her eyes. 

"You know, Rylanne. I'm still willing to take you in if you changed your mind. Always will be," he tells me after a minute of sipping our drinks.

"No thank you," I tell him.

"If you ever do change your mind, I'm here for you," he sighs and puts his arm around my shoulder, "I probably should drive you home..."

After Foggy was sure I was safely inside, refusing to go inside himself, I locked the door behind me.

"Hey. Where were you?" he asks.

"With Foggy," I respond, not looking at him, "Though you shouldn't be asking because you are always somewhere I don't know about..."

"Welp, I am an adult," he reminds me.

"An adult who leaves his kid alone every night to get beaten up," I glare. Why am I so mad? This isn't like me! I'm a nice person and I usually never speak my mind.

My dad, completely taken aback by my words looks quite upset but I don't care.

"I have to do it to protect the Kitchen,"

"You don't even protect yourself,"

"It's for the greater good,"

"What about me?!"

"Honey, don't shout,"

"I can shout all I want!"

I burst into tears and run into my room, locking it behind me. Shit... I feel bad. I shouldn't have said anything about it. But it's too late to take those words back...


Matt's POV:

Does she really feel that way? I really wish I didn't have to do this. I wish she had a better father and a better life.

I've put her through so much and she's not even a teenager yet. Her mother would kill me if she knew.

And poor Rylanne. Speaking of her mother... I should have also told her that her mother is alive... but what do you tell a four year old begging to know what happened? That she just left her with just a teddy bear? 

I'm a terrible father and clearly was not ready to have kids. I should have given her to someone who could properly take care of her. Someone with money, and a couple so she could have two parents.

Being a single parent is hard but nobody talks about the stress it puts on the children. Especially when their father is me...

I sit on the couch, listening to her tears fall and her heart break. I did this to her. I'm the reason she cries at night when she doesn't realize I can hear her. I'm the reason she's retreated into her mind again, causing her to go slightly non-verbal at times... just like when she was younger.

I really hope I'll be able to be a better person for her.


A/N: I wanna cry and I wrote this ahagdjabdveh

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