I Got All These Demons {Chapter 7}

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Warnings: Mention of unconscious person, injury, blood, trauma recovery, slight panic 

Word count: 745


My dad went to find the kid who got kidnapped as soon as he knew I was home safe, much to my  protests. I sighed and just went back to sleep, hoping maybe to just try and forget all this.

I was awoken by a clatter in the kitchen and still a little rattled from the night before, I shriek.

The sounds stop.

"It's just me, kiddo," I hear my dad say.

Taking a deep breath, I say, "Did you find the kid?"

"Yes, he's safe,"

I walk into the kitchen, "Are you?"

"I am, don't worry," he said, kissing my forehead, "Get ready, we have church."

I nod and go to my room. I decide on something simple because I don't have the energy to decide on an actual outfit.

Just a dress with a color that won't kill the hell out of my eyes. And I just leave my hair as is, messy and unbrushed. Looking once in the mirror, noticing I look like a piece of shit, I put on my glasses.

"Honey? Breakfast!" I hear my dad call out. I smell bacon, which is probably the most delicious thing in the universe right now.

I hurry to the table and sit down. And yes, there is a plate of bacon in front of me. I can get my mouth water.

"Look good?" he asked.

"Yeah," I say, already starting to eat.

"We're supposed to pray first," he reminded me, taking a piece of bacon out of my hand.

I grin sheepishly as he starts praying over our meal. I close my eyes and put my palms together, just waiting for the prayer to be over so I can eat. I'm honestly really hungry.

"Now you can eat," he tells me when he finishes.

Sweet! I eat my bacon really fast because the crunchiness is such an amazing taste on my tongue and I must have more.

"Slow down," my dad chuckles.

I glance up at him and notice a new cut on his lip that's bleeding.

"Your lip," I point out.

"Yeah, I know,"

I take a napkin and clean up his bloody lip.

"There you go," I smile.

"Thanks, honey," he smiles back.


Church is always boring to me but I go because my father takes me and I think he wants me to be Catholic too.

I don't even remember what Father Lantom started talking about but whatever.

I face forward and sit still to look like I'm paying attention while my mind is elsewhere. I think about last night. Images of that man unconscious flash through my mind and I shudder. My dad is absorbed in the preaching.

How can he just sit here like nothing happened? It drives me crazy! He was literally half dead, there was an unconscious dead guy nearby that I know for sure he had something to do with, and his daughter left the house by herself!

And he's acting like he has a perfectly normal life!

He is not okay in the head.

I take a deep breath and refuse to think of anything bad about my father.

Again, I pretend to listen to the lesson. Except I don't even know what's going on.

The man in the alley flashes into my mind again. I take another big breath.

What is wrong with me? Why can't I just be normal in this situation? Why do I have to keep thinking of it?

I glance at my father who is laser focused. When is this over? Then I notice everyone else standing up so I do so.

My dad takes my hand and we leave church.

"You okay?" my dad asks after a couple minutes of walking in silence.

"Yes," I lie.

"I'm a human lie detector, Rylanne. Tell the truth. Are you okay?" 

"Define okay,"


"I'm okay I guess. I don't know,"

He squeezes my hand tighter.

"I'm sorry for all that I've put you through," he apologizes.

"It's okay," I tell him.

He sighs and stops for a second, "You hungry for donuts?"

"For lunch?" I jump, excited.

"Yup. Come on. Let's go. You can get you're favorite,"

Happily, I hold on to his arm as he leads me to a donut shop, forgetting for a moment the horrors I discovered last night.

He walks up to the cashier to order, "Two jelly donuts please."

The cashier rings him up and dad pays. Once we get our donuts, we sit down and eat them. This is the most delicious thing I have ever had.

Jelly drips onto my dress, but I don't really care. I scrape it off with my fingernail and eat it.

"Thank you, dad," I say and some powdered sugar flies into the air.

He smiles, "You're welcome, honey."


A/N: This is essentially just Matt spoiling his daughter with her favorite foods because he feels bad. And it makes me so sad omg.

He's My World {Matt Murdock x daughter}On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara