Even the Devil Bleeds {Chapter 2}

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Warnings- arguing, mentions of injury, mentions of blood


"Hey, we got our first client down at that station. She was found with the body and covered in his blood. Personally, I think she did it, but Brent really wants us to check it out," Foggy states.

And we head off to the police station. It's getting pretty dark, like past my bedtime dark.

At the station, Brett leads us to an interrogation room.

"Who are you?" one of the cops interrogating her asked.

"We're her lawyers. Now give us some time with our client," my dad states.

"The kid is a lawyer?" one of the officers scoffs.

"Yes, now give us some time with our client," Foggy says.

The woman they've been interrogating looks tired; she has red rims around her eyes and she's shaking. I think she just wants to go home.

The officers roll their eyes and leave.

My fingers twitch slightly.

Of course I can feel the woman watching me but my father's hand on my shoulder comforts me.

"Uh, I'm sorry. Who are you?" the lady asked, a sliver of fear in her voice.

"He's Matt. She's Rylanne. I'm Foggy," Foggy greeted. I nodded in greeting.

"H-how did you hear about me?"

"I bribed a desk sergeant with a box of cigars," Foggy grinned.

"What, so I'm just supposed to believe your a couple of Good Samaritans?" she asked.

"We're a newly formed practice and need clients," my dad says and then tilts his head towards Foggy, "And you need to stop giving his mom cigars,"

"What can I say? Woman likes to smoke. And it's a free country, Matt," Foggy defended.

"How long have you been practicing law?" she asked.

"What time is it?" my dad asked Foggy.

I check my watch. Holy shit, it's late. "12:22," I tell him.

"About seven hours," my dad stated confidently.

The woman scoffs with fear.

Foggy and my dad quarreled about how long their firm had been open for a couple of seconds. And my finger flutter.

"Anyways," my dad smiles, "Start from the beginning."

"Like I said, he was a nice guy. We met at the Three Roads bar, on 49th Street. We had a few drinks, and the next thing that I remember is waking up on the floor of my apartment covered in blood. His blood. No, I'm not stupid. I know how that sounds. But I am telling you we met at the bar. We had a few drinks. And I don't know what happened after that. It wasn't me. Please. Please, you have to believe me. I didn't kill him," she sniffles.

She's telling the truth. I just know when people are telling the truth... it's a gift I have.

"I believe you, Miss Page," my dad says.

Back at their new firm building, my dad and Foggy debated representing her.

"I'm friends with Gary Feinstein in the DA's office. I'll give him a call first thing in the morning, and see where their heads are at. I'm guessing they're gonna puff their chests, but they have to know murder two's a risk. We end up at manslaughter, we get the right judge, - maybe she's out in five to 10," Foggy says, thinking out loud.

"We're not taking a deal, Foggy," my dad argues back.

"No, this is why they have deals, Matt. So the straightforward cases don't waste everybody's time,"

But she didn't do it, so how would it waste time?

"I don't think she did it,"

"She's the sole suspect, found at the scene, covered in blood, with the murder weapon and no defensive wounds. If they offer anything it'll be a gift, and we will take that gift. We do not want this to go to trial,"

"I don't think she did it either," I pipe in, jumping up and down. Nobody acknowledges what I said but still.

"They don't want this to go to trial, either. Why hasn't she been charged yet?" my dad asks.

"They have 24 hours. And it's the weekend. They're gonna take every last second to collect the evidence before they move," Foggy states.

"They've got the evidence. You just laid it out yourself. This is a good arrest, Foggy. We should already be reading about it in the papers. There's something not right about this case. I can feel it,"

"You can feel it? All right, I'm just gonna say this once, and we can move on. You don't necessarily show the best judgment when beautiful women are involved, Matt,"

"How would I even know if she's a beautiful woman?"

"I wouldn't go as far as call her beautiful..." I mumble to myself.

"I don't know. It's kinda spooky, actually. But if there's a stunning woman with questionable character in the room, Matt Murdock's gonna find her and Foggy Nelson is gonna suffer," Foggy glares at my dad.

My dad chuckles, "All right, I don't disagree with anything you're saying."

"Thank you,"

"But I need you to back me, anyway,"

Foggy groans, "All right. Fine. Let's start with the obvious, then. If she didn't do it, who did? We're dead in the water if we don't give them an alternative."


"We need to take another run at our client. She may not be guilty, Matt, but that doesn't mean Miss Page is telling the truth,"

"Now that that's settled," my dad turns to me, "It's time to get you to bed, young lady. It's way past your bedtime."

"Who's fault is that?" I tease and he ruffles my hair, taking my hand.


Word count: 870

A/N: im having a lot of fun writing this so I hope this is well received!

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