To Hell and Back {Chapter 3}

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Warnings: Slight medical inaccuracies, blood, injury, emotional distress

Word count: 680


A loud thud woke me up, startling me. I grabbed sometime heavy from the corner to defend myself, inching towards where I heard the noise.

"Hello?" I call out, stimming in fear.

Tip toeing across the living room floor, I creep into my dad's room to wake him up only to find him missing.

I turn around and see a dark figure. I scream and prepare to hit it but the figure puts his hand over my mouth and pushes me against the wall. I want to hit him but I freeze. Then he pulls his mask off.

"Dad?" I relax, tilting my head in confusion.

"Shhh," he whispers. And then he collapses. I almost scream but I don't. I've got to act fast.

My eyes widen as I try to catch him, "Dad? Dad!? I'm going to call 911..." I tell him, laying his heavy body down.

Then he turns to me, "N-no calling anyone." He grabs my phone and throws it.


"I'm bleeding out. You need to stop it,"

I do a once over of his body and find rips in his shirt, covered in blood. I almost faint. But I don't. My dad needs me to be strong. You got this.

I rip his shirt off to fully see the wound and it's huge and gaping. I gasp quietly... this is going to be harder than I thought.

I take the ripped shirt and try to sop up as much blood as I can, but it keeps coming and coming and frankly, I don't know what to do. Shaky fingers reach over to my dad's face to cup it in my hands.

I quickly run into the bathroom and grab a bath towel and the first aid kit. I apply the towel to his wound to stop the blood. Then I open the kit and grab the rubbing alcohol.

"This is gonna hurt..." I say after I remove the towel, "Brace yourself."

I apply the rubbing alcohol and he winces in pain, which causes me to stop for a second. Yet I continue still. I didn't even notice I was crying until tears fell onto my hands.

I grab the supplies necessary for patching up the wound. I don't think I can stitch it because it's too deep but I can probably hold it together and put a gauze thing on it.

I glance at my father who's labored breathing is loud. What did he do?

Once the gauze is on, I clean up the area of all the blood. With all the adrenaline I have left, I pick up my father and carry him to bed. I carefully set him down and cover him in a blanket, kissing his forehead.

I continue to clean up the area where he almost died.


It's almost morning and I've been sitting next to my sleeping father for several hours now. I refuse to move because I know I'll have to face myself in the mirror. And just because it's not actually there doesn't mean I can't still feel the blood under my fingernails.

The smell of old pennies fill my nose and I panic for a second, realizing I just made the smell up in my head.

I glance at my father, who is stirring.

"Hey..." I say once he sits up.

"Hey... you okay?" he asks me.

"Wh-why were you almost dead last night... dad I need answers," I ask.

He hesitates for a second, "I've been stopping crime. I'm the Devil of Hell's Kitchen."

"But you're blind!" I exclaim.

"Well. Yes. Technically I am blind. But seeing is much more than your eyes. My other senses were heightened in the accident that blinded me. I can hear your heartbeat right now, you're scared for me. I can smell a dog three blocks away..."

"Okay..." I nod.

Then I just sit in silence for a little bit until dad's phone rings, causing me to jump.

"Matt here," dad answers, "Hey Foggy. Yeah, we'll be coming in soon. What do you mean? Is Karen okay? I'll be right there."

Then he hangs up.

"Looks like we're needed kiddo," he takes my hand and flashes me a reassuring smile telling me that everything is alright.


A/N: The feedback for this story has been amazing and I'm glad that people actually like what my brain comes up with!!

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