Devil May Care {Chapter 6}

707 22 15

Word count: 702

Warnings: emotional distress, angst, injury, pedophillia, SA mention, unconscious person, trauma


Unfortunately for me, I feel like the days pass in a blur. How many days has it been since I've discovered my dad half dead? It could be one, it could be thirty. I don't know.

But today, something is off. I didn't hear my father come home at his usual time which caused me to worry. I know his second job is dangerous but he's still my dad.

I call him but it goes to voicemail. I try again and again and again and again. Each time I hear the click of a receiver as his voicemail message plays.

"You called Matthew Murdock. Unfortunately I can't come to the phone right now. I'll get back to you as soon as I can."

I sighed and tried not to worry as I pace back and forth in the living room.

After about ten minutes, I put on a coat and a pair of shoes and went outside to look for him.

I peeked in alleyways and in dumpsters, trying to find if he passed out somewhere.

"Hey, girlie..." I hear a man say and I turn around.

An old guy who's got a sweaty face smelling like booze stumbles over.

"You lost?" he grins.

"No. I know where I am," I tell him.

"Honeybuns, I can take you where you need to go. I can take you for a ride," he smirked and I felt myself shudder in on itself in disgust.

"No thank you," I tell him.

Then he grabs my arm and I shriek, trying to pull away as he leads me somewhere. He takes me to the back of a building in an alleyway.

He pushes me against a wall forcefully.

"Don't fight it, baby," he smiled toothily.

I scream and scream and then I kick him in the groin. He collapses in pain, letting out a shrill cry himself.

I sprint out of there, not looking where I'm going as tears sting my eyes.

Eventually, when I don't think I can run anymore, I stop in front of an apartment building.

My lungs burn with each breath I take.

I take a minute to see if he followed me, trying to calm myself.

My heart beats faster than I think it every has before.

I don't even know where I am but I don't think I've left the Kitchen.

I continue my search by peeking into an alleyway by the building I stopped in front of.

And I screamed.

A passed out man lies in the alley like he had jumped. Maybe he's even dead.

I check to see if it's my father and take a sigh of relief when it isn't. It's a cop.

That doesn't stop my legs from shaking like crazy, I feel like I'm walking on jelly.

I backup against a wall and slowly slide into a sitting position with my knees tucked close to my chest.

I hear a door open and footsteps meaning someone walked out.

A little gasp tells me it's a woman.

"Kid, where are you?" I hear her say.

I try not to breath as I sit silently.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you," she reassured.

I slowly rise up and she turns her head towards me.

"Oh, you look just like him," she mumbles to herself.

"My dad?" I ask.

The lady nods and offers her hand out towards me. I take it and she leads me to her apartment.

"You've seen his face?" I ask.

"Yeah but he won't give me his name. I call him Mike. Suppose you'll do the same and I'll have to call you something like Mary,"

"That's my middle name. My first name is Rylanne,"

"Well, I'm glad you trust me. Can't say the same for your dad. And I know he can hear me,"

She opens the door and I spot my dad on the couch, tired and beaten up.

"Dad...?" I inch closer to him and he reaches out to touch my face.

"Honey..." he smiles at me.

"You promised you wouldn't get hurt," I pull away.

I can practically see the heartbreak on his face and I immediately feel bad.

"I will stay alive for you, my little Versailles..."

I don't reply because I just, I don't trust that. What if he dies? I don't want him to die, I already lost my mother when I was born. 

"Rylanne?" I hear him whisper.

Claire puts a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Promise for real this time?"



A/N: Two chapters in two days? I know. I'm very surprised.

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