We'll Burn Together {Chapter 12}

448 14 9

Warnings: violence

Word count: 913


"This is pointless, Matt. We should be out on the streets, cracking names and taking skulls," Foggy says.

"I think you have that backwards," my dad points out.

"Yeah. Isn't it cracking skulls and taking names?" I ask.

"Not the way I do it,"

"How do you do it?" I give him a quizzical look.

Before he could answer, my dad says, "Five minutes out there and you'd end up in intensive care."

"Hey, I handled myself pretty damn skippy against baldy and his tattooed gorilla. Tell him, K," Foggy elbows a distracted Karen.

"No, you did. What? I'm What, I'm 'K' now?" she laughs.

"Trying something new,"


Foggy is so in love with Karen, it's kind of sickening. He's like a puppy.

"Wait, this is interesting. Confederated Global Investments," my dad pipes in.

"The company that hired us to defend that bowling alley nut?" Foggy thinks for a second.

"Yeah. Karen, do you have a list of the subsidiaries you were able to track down through their check?"

"Uh, yeah, yeah, I think so. Yeah, yeah, I got it," she fumbles around for a minute looking for something. Eventually she marvels at finding it and slams it onto the table.

"Can you tell me if Westmeyer-Holt Contracting is on the list?" my dad asks.

"Um... Yeah. Yeah, it is,"

"There are half a dozen complaints against them for doing the same thing they did at Elena's tenement,"

"Confed Global's trying to force renters out of tenements?" Foggy asks.

"What about Elena's landlord? That Tully guy? I mean, he's gotta know something about this," I offer.

"See if I can track him down," Foggy says, grabbing his jacket.

"Use the phone," my dad says, not glancing up from whatever he's reading.

"Oh, come on!" Foggy sighs and puts his jacket down. I chuckle a little.

"I'm making that rule number two,"

"Your rules suck. I want that on record,"

"Fine, noted,"

"What's rule one, then?" I ask.

"Don't give cigars to Brett's mom," my dad chuckles.

"She's gonna get them anyway, Matthew!" Foggy groans.

"She's an addict, Foggy. Let's not enable to woman," 

"Oh, my God," Karen exclaims.

"What do you got?" my dad asks.

"Uh, no, it's not, um - The New York Bulletin online just reported that that cop that got shot, he just regained consciousness," she answers.

"Detective Blake?" I ask.


"Guy's a real dick. Still, he didn't deserve a bullet from that masked douchebag," Foggy rolls his eyes. You can practically feel the annoyance rolling off him.

I glance warily at my dad who's just trying not to laugh.

"Okay. Nobody knows what really happened out there," Karen tries to justify.

"Detective Blake might," I say.

"Be interested in what he has to say," Karen thinks out loud.

"Yeah, so would I," my dad sighs.


Later the next day, with me sitting on the couch and dad on his computer, it's peaceful for once. Despite the fact that dad's glass door is still shattered and he is constantly being beaten up at night. For fun, I assume.

I sigh and close my book.

I listen to whatever my dad is playing on his laptop.

"I'm not very good at this, out, being in public. But I felt the need to speak up for this city that I love with all my heart. No one should have to live in fear. In fear of madmen who have no regard for who they injure," a man with a gravely voice says.

I glance at my dad, wondering what he's watching.

"In fear of the Devil of Hell's Kitchen, who has inflicted untold pain and suffering. This masked terrorist and psychopaths of his kind, we must show them we will not bow down to their campaign of coercion and intimidation. We must stand up to them,"

I stand up to see. A large, rotund bald man is talking with a beautiful brown haired woman right next to him.

"As this man, my dearest friend, Leland Owlsley, a pillar in the financial community, stood up when he was recently assaulted. But this assault was for no other reason than to send me a message. A message warning me to stop,"

Who is this man?

"To give up my dream that I have for this city. A dream of a better place. A place for its citizens to feel safe. To feel pride. I tried to do this quietly, not wanting to draw attention. The last thing I wanted was for anyone close to me to become a target from those who do not share my dream. For those who will have this city stay exactly as it is, mired in poverty and crime. But I know now it was foolish to make that decision. That I can no longer do it alone.That I cannot keep living in the shadows afraid of the light. None of us can. None of us should be forced to. We must do this together. We must resist those who would have us live in fear," the man's take a breath, "My name is Wilson Fisk. And together, we can make this city a better place."

I gasp, my eyes widen.

My dad takes the laptop and sweeps it off the table in a frenzied anger. I hear it break and I look at my father. He's breathing heavily and he looks genuinely upset. But something stops me from just going to comfort him...

I don't know what it is...


No one should be afraid of their own father.

But I just watched him destroy his computer out of anger.

And he is the Devil of Hell's Kitchen 

He's practically a masochist.

He turns to me and immediately calms down. He pulls me into a hug.

"I'm sorry," I hear him whisper.


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