A Cold Day In Hell {Chapter 5}

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Warnings: back in Rylanne's pov, mentions of blood, trauma, slight panic attack, emotional distress

Word count: 866 


Karen had left, and then my dad followed almost simultaneously. I don't know where either of them are going but that means I'm alone.

And suddenly I'm filled with fear.

I slip out of bed and into the kitchen where the fridge hums loudly. I cover my ears at the loud sounds.

I tip toe away and the humming gets quieter. I put on a pair of shoes and a jacket and went up to the roof to think. I know my dad would tell me to get inside if he were home. I can practically hear him now.

"Get back inside, little miss, you'll catch a cold,"

I smile slightly and take a deep breath of the crisp, cool air.

And then my legs get weak, my arms shake and my breath gets ragged. Images flashed in my head of last night.

My dad lying on the ground, half dead. Blood everywhere. Blood on my hands, under my fingernails. His blood. And now he's out probably being a vigilante again, getting more hurt.

And blood. All that blood...

Tears fall, and I flap my hands violently, trying to figure out what to do.

"Why?" I whisper to myself, "W-why... why..."

I tuck my knees into myself and scoot to the edge to collapse upon myself.

All that blood...

I shake my head, telling myself it's better if I just forget it. Better for me, better for him. It's better for all of us.

I'm so tired. I didn't get any sleep last night and I haven't been able to sleep earlier. My eyelids grow heavy and I fall asleep.


I wake up in my own bed. My dad must have carried me in when I was asleep.

I hear the sound of the stove crackling and sizzling. The smell of bacon fills my nose. I peek my head out and see Karen talking with my dad, who's cooking, and laughing as if everything is okay. My dad has a new cut above his lip and he's already wearing his red glasses, which probably means he has an injury on one of his eyes.

Quietly, I sit down on the couch.

"Oh, good morning, Rylanne," Karen greeted me, flashing a smile.

I flash a small one back, not entirely trusting her.

"Morning, honey," my dad says, starting to dish out the food onto plates.

"Hi," I say, not really meeting anyone's gaze.

I get handed a plate and I slowly eat it as my dad and Karen talk. The light outside hurts my head so I close my eyes. I try to tune out all sounds by focusing on a song stuck in my head. I start humming it to keep myself busy as I finish up my bacon.

"Rylanne, clean up and get dressed, okay?" my dad says, breaking me out of my trance.

I nod and set my plate in the sink. I head into my room and get dressed. My world feels like I'm moving in slo-mo.

"Honey? Can I talk to you?" I hear my dad say.

"Yeah," I say. And he leads me to his room for privacy.

"Hey... how are you doing?" he asks.

"I dunno," I shrug.

"You know I love you, right?" he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, I love you, too, dad,"

He nods and gives me a tight hug as if he never wants to let me go.

"I noticed you're getting on the verge of overstimulated, so if you want, you can bring your headphones," he tells me.


He nods and takes my hand.


"Here you go. So I know it's not much in the way of repayment. But it is, um, my grandmother's recipe, and she made me promise only to serve it to my future husband," Karen says and my dad chuckles, "You know, it's, like, filled with virtue or something."

Karen dishes out a casserole and hands it to each of us.

"I thought I detected a whiff of virtue in there," my dad jokes.

"Not that I'm complaining, but you really should be thanking the nut in the mask," Foggy says, taking a bite.

"He's not a nut. I mean, he's a little weird, maybe," Karen laughs a little and I glance at my dad.

"We're just glad you're okay," my dad smiles at her.

"Hear, hear!" Foggy cheers and I laugh a little which surprised my dad.

"Well, if it weren't for you two, I'd still be in that cell," Karen thanked.

"Job's easy when your client's innocent. All you did was tell the truth," my dad turned to face her.

"Yeah, but you listened," Karen smiled.

"Oh, and don't get us wrong, we're still gonna bill you. Just as soon as we figure out how to make bills," Foggy grins.

"I did notice that you could use some help around here. And I owe you. Maybe I could clean the place up a bit," Karen glanced around the office, which is a bit dusty.

My dad turned to Foggy, "Is this place messy?"

"Our firm is very prestigious and discerning, Miss Page. Do you have any prior experience hiding electrical cords up in ceiling tiles?" Foggy said, chuckling.

"Uh, no, but I'll work for free," Karen said promptly.

"Yeah, you're hired," dad says and Karen chuckles.

"You just got hired!" Foggy yells.~~~~~~~~

A/N: That took a while just to finish the first episode but I'm done with it. Time to start writing for the second one.

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