Heaven or Hell {Chapter 9}

590 18 13

Warnings: gunshot

Word count: 992


My dad opens the firm door to over hear Foggy say, "I'm never sleeping here again."

"Then there's an upside," my dad chuckles.

"You slept here?" I give Foggy a weird face.

"Hey, you guys hear anything on the news about a Russian getting his head cut off? In Hell's Kitchen?" my dad asked. Karen's eyes widened in surprise and Foggy just sighed.

"This city. Bad enough you get mugged, now they chop your melon off. What's next, groping corpses?" Foggy grimaced.

I shrug.

Then we hear a knock on the door and an elderly woman enters, looking unsure of herself.

"Excuse. Is this, um Señor Foggy law? Bess Mahoney," she stutters. My dad walks up to her.

"Brett's mom?" Foggy asked.

"Sí, she refer me," she says before she starts speaking in Spanish. Unfortunately, I don't understand her but I know my dad does.

"Something about cigars?" Karen translated, with a quizzical look on her face.

"You know Spanish?" Foggy marveled, totally in love with Karen.

"Oh, just what I remember from high school. Mrs. Cardenas, tell us what happened," Karen smiled.

"Mi casa es rent-control.But the landlord, Señor Tully..." she starts.

"Armand Tully? Sleaze bag owns buildings all over town," Foggy says.

"Sí, y señor Tully," she says and then says something in Spanish.

"He wants to convert the apartments to condominiums. And he wants them out," Karen translates.

Mrs. Cardenas says something.

"Men came weeks ago. They said that they were workers,"

She says something else.

"And they destroyed the apartments with a... I don't know that last word,"

"Sledgehammers," my dad translated.

"College. You ever have a client that wants to chat in Punjabi, I'm your man," Foggy points to himself.

"Um Do you want to do this?" Karen asked my dad. He shook his head.

"No, no. I like listening to your voice," my dad smiles. Foggy rolls his eyes. Flirting is weird.

Karen sighs, "Go on, Mrs. Cardenas."

"There is damage, en todas partes," Mrs. Cardenas says.

"Everywhere," Karen translates.

She says something in Spanish.

"They have no working sinks or pipes. They don't have water or electricity for days,"

"We call policía. We speak to the officer," she says something else in Spanish.

"The police couldn't help,"

"Policía say, 'It is a city issue.'"

Then she continues speaking in Spanish.

"They don't know what to do,"

"This says Tully offered them 10,000 to give up their rent control and vacate the premises. Maybe we can pressure him into giving a better payout," Foggy offered.

He's My World {Matt Murdock x daughter}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang