Horns and a Tail {Chapter 8}

644 19 32

Word count: 686

Warnings: mention of kidnapping, sort of coming out??, mention of injury


"Claire has been kidnapped plays through my phone. Dad had called to explain to me why he's be late. Somehow, he knew I'd be up worrying.

He hangs up before I can say anything.

I liked Claire. She was a really nice lady.

If Claire was kidnapped, does that mean I'll be kidnapped? Panic flows through me.

Am I next? Will I have to witness more violence and see my father get hurt for me? I don't know any that.

Worried, I grab a knife from the kitchen. I'm totally prepared to attack anyone. For extra safety measure, I lock myself in the bathroom.

After staring at the bathroom wall for an hour, I hear shuffling in the living room. This is it, someone's coming.

They rustle the bathroom door, picking the lock somehow. As if flings open, I yell, running at them with the knife.

"Whoa, kiddo," my dad dodged out of the way.

"Sorry," I say, breathing heavily.

"You're fine. Smart thinking, though," he says, digging the first aid kit out from behind the mirror.

I look over my dad, trying to see how badly he's been beaten up, putting a hand on his arm.

"I'm fine, Ry. I promise. This is for Claire," he says, motioning to a shuddering woman on the couch.

"You're still hurt," I point out.

"I'll be okay,"

I sigh as he goes over to Claire to patch her up.

I plop myself into an arm chair, realizing I'm tired.

"Go to bed, Rylanne," my dad says, starting to sew up Claire's back.

Being stubborn, I don't move and dad doesn't say anything about it. I refuse to move until I know my dad is not bleeding.

I notice the gentle touches shared between them, the looks she gives him, the small gasps. 

Do they like each other? Did I miss something?

I don't remember what they were talking about, but suddenly, he kissed her. That's gross. Boys are gross and I don't get what Claire sees in him.

They eventually break away and realize I was still there.

"I told you to go to your room," my dad clears his throat.

"Why'd you kiss her?" I asked, confused. Didn't they meet yesterday?

"I'll explain later," he tells me.

I look at Claire, confused as to why she'd ever kiss a guy. Guys are gross.

They just kind of sit there awkwardly for a minute, unsure of what to do.

Then my dad clears his throat again, "I have to go to work."

"Are you just going to leave me here?" Claire protests.

"We'll, it would be suspicious if I didn't show up. Come on Rylanne," he says, holding out his hand.


On the walk to the firm, I look at my dad, "It's later. Why'd you kiss her?"

He hesitates, thinking of a child-appropriate answers, "Well. I like her."

"Why did she kiss you back?"

"She likes me,"


"Rude," he chuckles.

"I'm just confused. I don't want to kiss boys, so why are you kissing each other?" 

He looks a bit taken aback by what I said.

"We like each other and that's how we show it," he says.

"Didn't you meet yesterday?"

"...yes. Why?"

I take a minute to think.

"I don't know. It's just weird to me,"

"That's alright. You shouldn't be kissing anyone right now anyways,"

"Alright. I don't want to kiss boys," I tell him.

He nods silently.

Then suddenly, "Do you not like boys?"

"What do you mean? Of course not,"

"As in, crushing on them. Do you like girls?"

"I- ..."

I look at the ground a bit ashamed that it's true.

"If you do, there's nothing wrong with it. I still love you,"

I smile a little, happy that he still loves me.

"I love you, too,"

The wind breezes past and the birds twitter in a new Spring manner. The cars beep and honk, zooming past with a whoosh. The tall buildings around us cause all the sounds to echo.

"Why do I like girls and not boys?" I ask.

"I don't know. I'm not God, I don't make the rules. But for whatever reason God made you like girls, which is called being a lesbian by the way, we'll find out when we get to heaven. No matter what others tell you, you're worthy of love in its many forms,"

A warm feeling fills me up. I'm glad to have my dad.


A/N: Finally! Some fluff. Told you he'd be supportive. I could feel my demiromanticism coming out in this, haha. Anyways, RYLANNE IS GAYYYY. (Pretty sure Matt is bi too) and her dad supports her!!!

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