CHAPTER 31 - Traitor's Blood

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Susan picked up her bow and quiver before turning back to you three with a smirk. "To get in some practice."

You formed and scattered the golden light above your palms in a never ending process of practicing while watching Lucy and Susan hit bullseye with their own weapons. "Come on, Y/n!" the younger called. "Try it too!"

Without a second thought, you extended your arm and the golden light formed an arrow while flying, hitting right in the middle. "Woah!" Lucy exclaimed. "That was so cool!"

"Thank you!" you grinned, quite happy yourself about how easy it was to control.

Then, boys came out from between the stones, Peter riding a unicorn while Edmund had an ordinary horse. "Come on, Ed, sword point up like Oreius showed us!" Peter yelled through laughter. You conjured a sword for yourself, trying to imitate the moves the boys were doing. Better safe than sorry, right? "Now block!" Peter instructed.

"Peter! Edmund!" Mr. Beaver yelled, running to the fields. "The Witch has demanded a meeting with Aslan!" Out of surprise, you lost concentration and your sword exploded into little golden sparkles. "She's on her way here!"

Without a second thought, all of you gathered your things and made way back to the main camp just in time to see the Witch arrive, a dwarf walking before the carried chair and yelling. "Jadis! The Queen of Narnia!" You grimaced lightly at the lie. "Empress of the Lone Islands!"

The crowd of Narnians was expressing their anger until Aslan stood up, the Witch got placed down and silence ensued. Jadis stood up and walked towards Aslan, the white dress behind her on the grass. You could only imagine the stains it would get. She glanced coldly at Edmund when she passed him but you put an encouraging hand on his shoulder, wordlessly telling him that it'll be alright. Though you didn't know how, you were sure it would.

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan," the Witch spoke coldly. Edmund looked down towards the ground and you, along with his siblings, sent him a worried glance.

"His offense was not against you," Aslan said calmly.

"Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" the Witch asked.

"Do not cite the deep magic to me, Witch," Aslan answered immediately, a light growl in his voice. "I was there when it was written."

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me," Jadis said confidently. You took your hand off of Edmund's shoulder and placed both of them behind your back, charging up some magic just in case. "His blood is my property."

Your magic almost lashed out whereas Peter didn't have that type of control over himself yet. "Try and take him then," he said breavely, stepping out to protect his brother. Oreius, too, drew his sword.

"Peter," you warned, tugging on his vest to make him step back. It worked.

"Do you really think mere force will deny me my right, little King?" Jadis asked, sounding like she had the urge to laugh at Peter's stupidness. "Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water." She spoke in a loud voice to all the Narnians, clearly intending to turn them against Edmund.

"That boy will die," she pointed to Edmund, "on the Stone Table as is tradition." Peter and Edmund glanced at each other, seemingly desperate for any other way. You could see the girls to the right of you also looking at each other worriedly. "You dare not refuse me," Jadis spoke to Aslan.

"Enough," the latter said, clearly done with the Witch scaring His family, the Narnians. "I shall talk with you alone." Just like that, Jadis followed Aslan into the big tent.

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